Our natural leadership should come from within our Political Party system... However, the well for leadership in our parties has been poisoned. The GOP apparently doesn't want to restore Constitutional Government. They had majorities in both Houses of the 115th Congress and the Oval Office for the first 2yrs of Trump's Presidency 2017-2019. Yet, they did NOTHING but stall and obfuscate. The GOP/RNC claimed their hands were tied by the 60 vote cloture rule and could not override a Fillibustre in the Senate. Well, it appears that the Marxist Democrats don't have a problem with getting around the 60 vote cloture rule; they, consistently find the necessary parliamentary rules to accomplish their agenda. The GOP/RNC is clearly part of the problem, not the solution. They are effectively operating as socialist ... Wolves in sheep's clothing.

Pres. Trump could organize an EFFECTIVE Patriot movement within the Party... but I suspect he has been neutered by threats against his family. That leaves the Patriot hoping for spontaneous leadership to appear, together with the funding to conduct an effective campaign for government reform. That historically has rarely occurred with Trump and Reagan being the only examples in the last 40 plus years.

The Patriot has every reason to demand DC reform... or to demand the sitting government be recalled using Article 5 of the US Constitution... The MAGA movement has the spirit to initiate and compel such an act but has lacked the necessary leadership to engage effective government reform. Our Party leadership has operated under a Don Quixote complex... while the country implodes, they are busy tilting at windmills and addressing their own political fiefdoms (interests),

It doesn't look good for America's Constitution and future... In fact, it doesn't look like America has a future or a working constitution. America's Patriot movement is struggling to bring about reform without effective leadership and the serious resourcing needed to be successful. Our movement is in the throngs of denial as the Nation is rapidly becoming a third-world dictatorship. Apparently, the patriot movement has placed its hope in the next election cycle, knowing it will be rigged. Don Quixote is tilting at windmills again.

I personally am glad that I am old enough...  that I may not be present to watch my children and grandchildren become the victims of the New World Order, an elite oligarchy of socialist and pragmatic fascists.  Pray that God has mercy on America and that He will raise up Patriotic leaders with the resources needed to turn this nation around... NOW, right now... not tomorrow, as there may be no tomorrow.  At least, not a tomorrow the Patriot wants to see.

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  • The resemblance between the Mafia and Political Parties is "Indistinguishable!" Their "Peoples" are all untouchable by the Laws and Conditions the Citizens must live within. They will both when courting favor look your deeply into eyes, shake your hand, and promise to fill your needs as a priority with a "Family Sincerity", them in five minutes not even recognize your face, while holding a blank expression. And all for a " Position " that "Publicly" pays less than the "Position they currently hold!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • If you guys go back and read my messages to you guys, you will see I was right since I joined the group. Listen to me, you need to sue both parties, the government, and anyone involved in violating our rights. I laid out the framework but no if you helped with time, resources, and legal assistance. I also told you to walkout of the current system. Stop buying and selling to the enemy. We have 75 million people and even a million will support my plan. To win, we must move out if Democrat controlled States and move to more conservative states to increase our representation and decrease theirs. Their is strength in numbers. You also need to start a Tea Party banking system that supports the cause. You need to create your own system and then you will have the wealth and resources. Start a tea party crypto that establishes a new political party. No one is willing to help. So, all of you are to blame.

    • You are aware that most government officials have IMMUNITY from civil law suites evolving the performance of their duties... Most of the civil service, elected officials are personal immune from civil action and if the Court permits them to be sued... they have government lawyers to defend them at taxpayer expense... further, if they lose the suit the official doesn't pay any fines or settlements... the government does... you and other taxpayers indemnify the miscreants.

  • Bump... one more windmill and it's over.


  • Without Citizen Involvement, All is but the "Organized Chaos of a Chicago Cattle Yard!" Everyone lined up to get butchered and never knowing why.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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    • Why? 

      Simple, Mankind's inhumanity toward his own kind... Greed and avarice, and the love of power have driven wars, revolutions, and every evil work on the Earth for millineal and will continue until the fundamental FLAW in man is removed... Sin ... Evil must be purged from the world and cast into the Lake of Fire as recorded in the Book of Revelation.

      See the Holy Bible:  Revelation Chapters 20 and 21 for the final solution.


  • When One casts their Vote for anyone to represent "Their Will and Sted", they are fully expected to go forward with their Duties as described and confined within Our Constitution with Full Acknowledgment Bowing to the " Citizens Bill of Rights " in every and all matters presented before them. This is entrusted to them to perform without the constant monitoring of the Electorate. Whenever any Duly Elected's legality of performance is called into question, a "Shadow is cast over Our Constitution", and if not removed within a reasonable time it is the Electorates Duty to Remove the Shadow from the Constitution, if not prior to, then in the following Election. When One has a Family of Five, with one misbehaving child that cannot/will not change through whatever assistance/means offered, the time must come to separate the child from the family or the family faces destruction. The exact same holds true in the Workplace with One Worker that refuses to comply with Company Policy, Standards, Quotas, and Contract. There reaches a point that this employee must be discharged or all employees suffer the " Negative Effects " of "Why do more than that one, and get paid the same?" The Company Fails. In all circumstances, in all scenarios, a finite period of time must be given to root out the question of "Why", for the potential possibly of correction and future prevention.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Voting has brought us to where we now stand... just how will it return us to our Constitutional Roots... the Electoral System is no longer the franchise of the Electorate. What options are left in such a society... where the majority are not respected or permitted to govern.  Can a nation survive such calamity?  What course of action yet exists to restore liberty where despots rule? 

      When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for the people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, to assume among the powers of the earth, a separate and equal station, to which the Law of Nature and God entitle them, a decent respect for the peace of mankind requires them to declare their cause and the power which compels them to such separation.

      It is the right of the People to alter or abolish the institutes of government as they see fit... too, lay again the foundations of government on such principles, with its powers in such form, as serve their need and effect their peace and sovereignty. Governments should not be lightly changed nor overturned for transient causes. However, when a long Train of Abuses and USURPATIONS that purse an invariable course designed to reduce the People, under the hand of absolute DESPOTISM... it is the right of the People, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their Security.

      Such has been the sufferance of the People... under the leadership and despotic governance of the current Establishment Political Class in America ... So that, the People no longer CONSENT to endure repeated injuries, the usurpation of their liberty, or the destruction of their economic security. The History of such abuse, injury, and usurpations, is evident before the entire world, and will no longer be tolerated by a Free People.  The People's petitions, for the redress of their grievances, are answered with further usurpations and injuries; until, the People are unwilling to bear the DEBT and burden of such tyranny.

      The People have warned the 'Political Elite' that further legislation... increasing the burden upon the people must end. Instead of listening, Congress, Administration, and Courts continue to extend their unwarranted Jurisdiction over the People. Thus, shackling the People to a new form of indentured servitude, created by a spendthrift and fiscally irresponsible government.

      The People have warned their Representatives of the circumstances... and their Constitutional duty to the People, only to be refused any concourse for relief from such usurpations... which SEPARATES them from the common good of the Nation... making their Representatives willfully Deaf to the voice of JUSTICE and of Consanguinity... our common bonds.

      Thus the People must acquiesce to the right of free men and women... too, denounce and hold accountable the depots, the tyrants, who have usurped the reigns of power, from a sovereign people... Too, abolish the despots hold on government, returning the power of government to the people, where it may benefit the needs of the many.

  • As a suggestion for those who actually want to do something about changing the "Attitudes of Republican Politicians/Candidates", the Next Primary/Election is rapidly approaching. Run for " Precinct Person" in your District! In all probability you will get the position just from spending a few weekends phoning and knocking on doors of your constituents! Then you "Have Power!" As a Group of Discontent", you Hold the Platform and the Purse strings, and the Choices of Who to Promote! " Enough of you do this in Your City, and You Control the City. The County, the County, The State, The State. Enough of you do this in the Nation, You Control the Nation! Or is it easier to sit on your Collective Butts and Complain?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Good Leadership promotes participation and a big tent... However, the current leadership in many county GOP organizations are structured to discourage general participation ...  They make it difficult to participate.., moving the locations of meetings, giving little notice of times and dates, etc.  I have seen county parties go so far as to withhold general contact information for the current officers. Instead, they use post office boxes and phones tied to answering machines, thus limiting access to critical information for those wanting to participate   Wherever the party is being challenged for control this process is becoming a regular occurrence.  Most individuals will not pursue the issue if they face such obstacles.

      That is why... the masses need leadership and resourcing... local groups outside of the party monitoring and publishing the information needed to participate in such things as party management and elections.  Carpooling and calling interested party members the day before a county meeting to be sure they attend and bring a friend.  Want to shock your party chairperson... show up with a Church Busload of registered Republicans at the next GOP election of officers.

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