This post is from an E-Mail sent to me by a friend and fellow activist.
Message to county newspaper:
Following please find a letter to the editor (somewhat modified for this communication and purpose) I sent to both the Topeka and Wichita papers.
IF (and its a huge "if") you decide to publish it, I would appreciate being informed when. Let me explain.
As I posit in my letter, this Covid-19 issue is out of control. Something must be done. I have an idea how to counter Governor Kelly's suspension of constitutional rights. Please bear with me.
Many counties in several States have declared themselves to be "Second Amendment Sanctuaries". What if Jackson County passed a County Resolution declaring itself to be a "Sanctuary County for the Constitution and Bill of Rights", authorizing businesses to reopen at their discretion and without fear of repercussion from the State? Sound radical -- of course. But . . .
As the old saying goes, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Personally, I have always had a problem with that. If "good men" do nothing in the face and presence of evil, do they not become party to it?
EVERYONE is hurting for money! So, too, is Jackson County. We need business and commerce. People are HUNGRY for it! To my thinking, Jackson County and her municipalities could both make a statement regarding the governor's seizure of power AND enjoy a surge in revenue. Word would spread that Jackson County is open for business! I suspect people would come from far and wide, both to enjoy "freedom" and to make a statement.
If the Commission acted positively on my suggestion, other counties would be sure to follow. Such action would almost certainly make national news and stimulate the president's call to restart the economy, as well as trigger a vigorous debate on the governor's actions.
Therefore, I would appreciate knowing if you will publish my letter -- and when -- so I could appear before the Commission, on the following Monday when the maximum number of subscribers have read my letter. Hopefully, other 'supporters' will be there.
Thank you for letting me bend your ear. My proposed letter follows:
Governor Kelly has unilaterally "suspended" the Constitution in the name of an "emergency" wherein she alone gets to say which businesses can stay open, when and how citizens can associate, and how churches can practice religion.
Well, I have some questions.
Since when did the Constitution become little more than wall décor, applicable ONLY when and if GOVERNMENT finds it convenient?
Since when can she "suspend" the Constitution (the supposedly inviolable Supreme Law of the Land) for ANY reason, no matter how dire? Since when can she essentially "seize" businesses (forcibly closing them) without "just compensation"? Since when can she urge citizens to place themselves under "house arrest" out of fear and panic? Since when can she deny citizens "due process" (a means to appeal her edicts)?
If allowed to stand, when can government NOT "suspend" the Constitution simply by declaring an "emergency"?
How exactly does Governor Kelly propose to repay businesses, employees, and citizens for lost income, savings, credit ratings, and ruined lives? How exactly does she intend to defend against the inevitable lawsuits (in federal court where she has NO protection) seeking compensation and punitive damages for the aforementioned violations of CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS?!
How exactly does she propose to balance the state budget with reduced revenues and greatly increased liabilities, BOTH directly due to her actions?
To be fair, Governor Kelly has established a program of increased unemployment compensation. But, that is just a band-aid (and increased state cost) and will do NOTHING to remedy the harm she has done to citizens, the state budget, or the economy.
Where are all those "defenders" of the Constitution in the legal community, media, and Republican Party when we need them most?
It is one thing for citizens to voluntarily social distance and/or close their businesses, but something else entirely for government to "suspend" the Constitution and Bill of Rights, arbitrarily seizing absolute, tyrannical power out of fear, panic, hysteria and misinformation.
The Constitution IS the INVIOLABLE Supreme Law of the Land -- OR IS IT?!
Oren Long, MA,
Douglas Precinct Republican Committeeman,