
  • there must be members of the the democratic party who are members of the aclu &  nambla as well as receiving lobby money from disney

  • The Demonrats are part and parcel of porn production and adults know it.

  • Jesus said that if anyone corrupted a child that it would be better for a millstone to be tied around their neck and they bre thrown into the sea!!!!!  I believe there is a special place in the Lake of Fire for those who corrupt children, they will suffer much more than the run of the mill person lost because they rejected Jesus!!!!!!!!!!  The satanic left doesn't believe in God or eternity but their unbelief doesn't change the facts of both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Devildemocommiecrats are taking America ever deeper into Sodom and Gomorrah status!!!!!  I pray daily that God will pour the Holy Spirit out on the nation, open eyes, open ears, and soften hearts so those of us espousing Christian values will be heard and listened to!!!!!  The satanists are a very small minority but among them are the devildemocommiecrat politicians, bureaucrats, most of the board members of corporate America, hollywierd, and too many athletes and the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists!!!!!!!!!!

  • Let vote this idiots out of Congress they have no business being in Lincoln Eisenhower Reagan party knows as Government Of the People 

  • These perverted A--Holes would rather kill children than protect them.  Anyone who votes for or supports any of these creeps, are just as copable as the perpetrators.

  • I am beginning to wonder if de"mock"rats have any morals!  I don't think so.  Of all bills you would think they could get behind; this has to rank up there.  

  • They are all in for a rude awakeing come judgement day

  • Everyone knows that demonrats love and practice child pornopgraphy. That alone is reason enough to jail all demonrats, which would also prevent them from voting ;-)

  • What the Hell ! , China Joe took showers with a female child ,a member of his own family according to the young lady .  Congress has a private fund that they use to Pay Off those clerks that they made sexual ,uninvited, advances towards or worst. Wasn,t it B.Clinton that left his DNA on a young ladys dress while having oral sex in the oval office ? How about JFK ? He had a bunch of women including Miss M. Monroe . Seems to me that more then a handfull of Democrates are unable to control their sexual desires .


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