
The disclaimer is similar to the one the streamer added before 'Gone With the Wind.'

Blazing Saddles is currently streaming on HBO Max, along with a new introduction that automatically plays before the Mel Brooks classic begins. 

It is unclear exactly when the intro was added to the 1974 comedy classic starring the late Cleavon Little and the late Gene Wilder, but it was sometime after the film premiered on the streaming service in July. 

"The intro was added to ensure that the film was put into the proper social context," an HBO Max spokeswoman told The Hollywood Reporter

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  • Is there anything left in this world that the morons of the left will leave untouched?????  

  • will there be a disclaimer before the movie "the ten commandments " in which it says , " this movie is based on historical truth . for about 400 years the jewish people were slaves n egypt [an african nation] . the egyptians used these slaves to build things like pyramids - which still stand today.

  • Efforts are underway by powerful and politically influential interests in the US and overseas to:

    1.  mandate Covid 19 vaccinations for everyone on the planet which have not been tested on animals with fast-tracked, never-before-approved vaccines that can alter genes, or a which use tissue from aborted children; 

    2.  require 19 vaccination “passports” for employment, travel, or attendance of children at public or private schools; 

    3.  use cell phones to track vaccine or quarantine compliance.

    Citizens can still impact the outcome of these proposals.

    In two articles and podcasts,  I show citizens how to protect their rights, with in-depth research vetted by two physicians.

    Podcast Short Version:  Perilous Quest to Fast-track a Covid-19 Vaccine

    Podcast Long Version:  The Covid 19 Vaccine: Confusion, Difficulties, Dangers

    Print Version:  Perilous quest to fast-track a Covid-19 vaccine

    Print Version:   The Covid 19 Vaccine: Confusion, Difficulties, Dangers

    Hon. Bob Marshall
    (1992-2018 VA General Assembly)




    Summary: The Covid 19 Vaccine: Confusion, Difficulties, Dangers
    Efforts are underway by powerful and politically influential interests in the US and overseas to: Mandate Covid 19 vaccinations for everyone on the p…
  • It is not satire. It is more indocrination and censoring.

    • No way will I allow the vacine !!!!

    • The Lib idiots mean to change the US of A into US of AA (United States of Africa America) ... anything the Libs touch turns into that brown stuff.


    • Yes, take that 13% and have them rule the 87% in complete degradation.

  • A thinking person understood the satire

    • Anyone with any sense understood. Just imagine if Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman,TimConway,,Don Rickles and Rodney Dangerfield were around today ....according to the <~ they wouldn't have a job! 

      Note: i no longer refer to the" other party " and the like by name Henceforth if you see 

      <~ an arrow such as this <~  in my posts please know it is " them" I'm referring to 

      Thank you 

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