Trump: Ex-adviser John Bolton risks facing charges if he publishes ...

In an exclusive interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity Wednesday night, President Donald Trump argued that his former national security adviser John Bolton “broke the law” by disclosing highly classified information about the President and his negotiations with China and Russia in his soon to be released memoir “The Room Where It Happened.”

“He broke the law,” Trump said. “He was a washed-up guy, I gave him a chance. He couldn’t get Senate confirmed, so I gave him a non-Senate confirmed position, where I could just put him there, see how he worked. I wasn’t very enamored.”

Trump added that the two disagreed on many issues, including whether to send U.S. troops to Iraq, which, he said, was a move that Bolton strongly supported. Trump, however, didn’t want that to happen even before he became president, he said.

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