
  • Or maybe just for a little tryst of his (they/them) own--in keeping with the trendy sexual thingy...

  • Not only no... H no! These cast-offs are WOKE ideologues whose idea of free speech comes directly out of Marxist textbooks and Mao's little red book.

  • The NWO is flexing its muscels big time. They will get away with it. Not only demonrats but also rinos and GOP leadership won't fight these shenanigans.

  • "For Old England, James?" "No, for me." Taken from the Bond movie, Golden Eye, except the assassination of the Bond villain, Alec Trevelyan, is for the all right reasons.  This style of corrupt deep state political employment has to stop. It is NOT for the right reasons. It's main objective is to subvert our military. These new hires will not defend our constitution. They've already proven that in the private sector and that's why they were rightfully fired in the first place, so let them search in the private sector for gainful employment. They will certainly find a corrupt woke company that will gladly take them on. We already know how birds of a feather flock...

  • She has NO business being the head of anything in our military

  • Facebook will hire them

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