
  • We,The People, in respect to having decision making power in the candidates selected to be President, is largely an illusion. And if on the rare case that a decent one does announce that they are a candidate, they must have the financial backing of some wealthy, powerful people, or be self sufficent in order to finance the attempt. We are mere spectators , not decision makers.

    Decision time comes when we vote. And that can no longer be trusted either. The results are not left up to the people, but rather to those who tabulate the count. And, not only that, when a cheat takes office the people have no power whatsoever to remove the fraud.

    We had a great President. Will he be elected again? The odds are not good, even though we currently have one of the worst ever in office.

    Also, ask yourself this question.  Are there enough honest, decent, honorable, and sane people in this country to vote for honesty, decency, honor, and sanity in an election?

    I doubt it. And don't count on it.

      And we damned sure cannot rely on our Justice system to ensure that our elections will be honest.  Our system of government was never designed for what we are experiencing. And it is worsening every day.

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