Here Are Other Paths to Victory for Trump

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  • Let us have another Presidential Election with voting in person and absence tee votes only and control by the people.

  • SCOTUS  are  socialists and will not under any situation rule to favor my President.  They KNOW the election was rigged.

    Martial law - DIN !!

  • Martial Law becomes necessary when the normal institutions of government are no longer capable or willing to administer Constitutional Law and Order... the Judicial and Enforcement agencies and systems have failed to bring justice in America for over 4 yrs... we have numerous examples of lawless conduct by senior members of the GOvenment without indictment or official condemnation... the rule of law has become ARBITRARY and PERNICIOUS... tools of corruption.

    It is past time for Martial Law and a President who is willing to 'TAKE CARE' that the laws be faithfully, executed.  See: Article 2, Section 3... The President is the senior Constitutional law enforcement officer.  Do not let congress or the Courts tell you otherwise.  It is the President who is specifically designated by the Constitution to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.... BY WHATEVER LAWFUL AND CONSTITUTIONAL MEANS HE DEEMS NECESSARY... not the Congress or the Courts. 

    It is time that the President take a page from the LINCOLN administration and declare Martia Law and begin by issuing PRESIDENTIAL ARREST WARRANTS For the leadership of the current COUP and Fraudulent Election... members of Congress, Governors, State Officials of every sort, including Judges all the way up to the SCOTUS.. the deep state has nearly destroyed our Republic it is now time to return the favor by destroying the deep state. 

    I would note that Lincoln issued over 14,000 presidential arrest warrants ... jailing governors, members of congress, a supreme court justice, members of the press, and common citizens who engaged in insurrection, espionage, sedition, and or treason.  The Constitution provides the President with th authority to take care that the laws be FAITHFULLY executed... the President not the AG or Director of the FBI ... in fact, the AG and Director of the FBI should be on the shortlist for arrest and detention... for sedition, treason and obstruction of justice... among other crimes.

    • Ronald A. Nelson Col. USA Ret . First of all thank you for your service to our Constitutional Republic . I see you and Lt. General McInerney US Air Force Retired are on the same page , He too believes the justice system in the US is broken . President Donald J. Trump must invoke the insurrection act , executive order Sept.12, 2018, allowing the president to declare a state of emergency related to foreign  intervention in US Elections . Again Thank for Your Service . It is times like this We The People need leaders like you and Lt General McInerney .

  • It is starting to look like President Donald J. Trump will have to invoke the INSURRECTION ACT and in doing so invoke Martial law ! 


  • Someone PLEASE explain to me how We The People don't have standing when it comes to electing a US President or exsposing MASSIVE FRAUD in the 2020 presidential election ? The Standing BS is what keep the fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama in office for eight long years . Our LEGAL sitting US President Donald J. Trump should have known this or his legal team should have known the liberal/socialist/democrats and globalist will play this game using our own legal system against us and there is nothing we can do about it ! 

  • God Bless the USA, now is the time for us to stand with God and defend the land he has blessed.

    • I just want to say this the Bible declare that God will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh he said it twice, the first first time, it has to do with his anger and the second time He will pour his Salvation to all of the flesh. But I believe the time is now that the book of Revelation, Daniel and the minor prophet will be fulfill and that is we are living in the Last days before Jesus Christ return on the earth.


    • Jeff, I believe so also.  We are in the last days and anyone not under the Blood of Jesus Christ had better get there before it is too late.  I have no fear of what man can do to me because my eternity is with Jesus.

    • Amen! Brother that's good news.

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