
After George Floyd died May 25, the country erupted with nationwide protests and riots, which have now been ongoing for nearly 5 months. Riots that left parts of cities destroyed sparked renewed interest in the loosely connected group of far-left activists known as Antifa.

Not much is known about the organizational structure of Antifa or the “black bloc” anarchists that make up the group. For the past 5 months, however, undercover reporters have been going to protests and riots across the country and have found out more about this group’s operations.

Antifa commonly dresses up as members of the press to evoke sympathy from the public. Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott described seeing members of the “media” participating in protests and riots.

“Antifa has devised tactics that help them against police officers – and help them act like victims during a riot,” Talcott said. “One thing I’ve noticed is that many have begun to dress as members of the press, as media typically are exempt from curfews, unlawful assemblies and are supposed to be left somewhat alone by police (so long as they aren’t interfering).”
“This fake press is easy to identify if you take a step back during a riot and watch what they do,” she added. “While donned out in press gear, Antifa will harass police officers and even participate in counter-attacks during riots (we’ve seen some with shields, others throwing things, etc). As soon as officers move in, these Antifa members will cry ‘press.'”

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