
  • Congress needs to act... defund HHS and reorganize it as 'The Office of Health and Housing'.  Place it under the Department of Interior.   Redefine its mission to promote public health and housing standards which require interstate coordination... Otherwise, shut it down completely as an unconstitutional department 

    • If we truly governed ourselves locally in Christian charity in our counties and states, then anything that either the president or the congress does shouldn't really affect our peace and freedoms, and physical confrontations between neighbors would be a rare thing of the past. Has anyone noticed that most of the violent confrontations occurring in our society are most commonly in the big cities and suburbs that are controlled by establishment politicians? That is NOT a coincidence.

    • Agree wholeheartedly, but how long are we going to say that the "Congress needs to act" when we have seen decades of similar federal overreach that is NOT authorized in the Constitution, and the Congress does virtually nothing except campaign for re-election, A number of states have acted to protect our precious rights, but an Article V Convention of States would clearly demonstrate that freedom and the consent of the governed still mean something in our consitutional republic.

    • Congress doesn't need the President to call for an Article 5 Convention to consider and pass game-changing Amendments to the US Constitution.   See Article 5 of the US Constitution.

      Pass and ratify a 'Recall Amendment'... recall the ENTIRE SITTING GOVERNMENT subject to new elections and appointments.  

      Pass and ratify a 'Term Limits Amendment' ... One term 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the government standing for election and appointment every 2yrs... similar to the method originally used to appoint US Senators.  See Article 1. Section 3 of the US Constitution.

      Repeal the 17th Amendment and pass a new amendment that returns the selection of US Senators to the teh States per the original method in Article 1. Section 3.

      Amend the 14th Amendment or pass a new amendment to properly define US Citizenship and eliminate any claims to birthright citizenship. Take care to properly define Natural Born Citizen to ensure the definition complies with the general understanding of our founding fathers... a child born of Parents who were both US Citizens at the time of the child's birth on US Soil or under its TOTAL Jurisdiction... thus owning no other allegiance to another soverign.  Outlaw dual citizenship... one must surrender their US Citizenship if claiming citizenship in another nation... Period.

      Pass and Ratify a Balanced Budget Amendment... require a balanced budget except in times of war and declared National Emergency.  Require a 3/4ths vote in both Houses of Congress when exceeding expenditures during a National Emergency.

      Pass and ratify an Amendment requiring all departments, bureaus, offices, and agencies to justify their duties as mandated by the US Constitution.  Where no direct Constitutional purpose is readily visible... either remove the agency or amend the constitution to permit its existence.  Get rid of all unconstitutional Administrative agency, 

      Rewrite the Federal Judiciary Act to restrain and return the Federal Courts to their limited role as defined in Article 3 of the US Constitution.  Remove all, so-called, Article 1 (administrative justices and courts).  Limit the Court's orders to the Case in Law before it and stop justices from issuing all-encompassing injunctions.  Restrict all court findings and opinions to the case in law before it and no others.  Any Constitutional issues must go before the US Congress for legislative action to correct any finding of an unconstitutional law.  All unconstitutional findings must remain moot (without authority) until Congress either acts to correct the law or ignores the case in law.. in which case the law remains unchanged and any future relief from its provisions must come from a separate action before the courts until Congress agrees with the court's findings and modifies or eliminates the offending law.  End 'Stari Decisis' and fiat law... the law of the Court is no law at all.

      Do not let Congress (either house or party) state they can't stop this President as they don't have the votes to override a veto.  They can use a whole host of Congressional Resolutions or AMendments that don't require a President to sign off.  Example CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS on discretionary spending do not require Presidential signatures,  The Congress can act to cut or redirect spending without the Presidents signature..  see: 

      Discretionary Spending and the Congressional Budget Process: An …

      Other forms of COngressional Resolutions can redirect programs or even eliminate some... Congress relies on the complexity of its operations to hide its real power and motives from the people.  If a member of Congress wants to appear to be against a program but refuse to defund it they are either: lying, or the funds are not discretionary, or they are unwilling to do the work needed to stop or modify the program..
    • Yep, and We the People should be ready and determined to legally bypass both any President or Congress through an Article V Convention of States in order to peacefully enforce the principles of our Constitution and return to citizen self-governance. Both a presidential veto or congressional action/inaction would be meaningless and moot if a super-majority of states (3/4) ratify a constitutional mandate through such a convention. But of course, this presupposes that We the People will truly govern ourselves locally in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles of ethics and morality so that our covenant with Divine Providence remains in intact, as without that we are certain to go the way of all tyrannical, totalitarian states throughout the history of mankind.

  • Not their job!

  • Disgusting

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