Hidden Evils/Transgenderism Treatise

Source; https://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/topics/hidden-evils-transgenderism-treatise


Hidden Evils/Transgenderism Treatise

Transgenderism is one of the greatest gifts ever given to the Dissident Right

For years, the Overton Window shifted to the left on sexual immorality due in large part to a steady stream of propaganda related to homosexual relations. "Love is love" and a sympathy for early HIV/AIDS patients were constant themes, often attaching themselves to Christian or human empathy. We were told "love the sinner, not the sin."

Simultaneously, the Libertarian streak within many Americans attempted to equate moral sexual behavior to overly intrusive bedroom regulations. "What two consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of our business..." This was reinforced among females through movies and television, whereby young women were encouraged to find their "plucky, gay, male friend." Shows such as "Will & Grace" and "Modern Family" normalized homosexuals in society.

Then came transgenderism.

The beauty of all Satanic concepts is that they will get pushed until the point of cultural rejection. Like the law of physics, a reaction of equal or greater force will eventually apply. No one really cared about transgenderism while it remained an extremely limited, adult choice on the fringes of sexual dysphorias. Movies such as "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" and "Too Wong Foo," were generally comedies taken unseriously. Very few expected transgender activists to attack children - and yet, that is where this was always heading.

Less than ten years ago, US troops in Afghanistan were appalled to learn of Bacha Bazi boys - young boys chosen to dress and act in a feminine matter to please older Afghan male patrons. Yet, something was off. Servicemen were arrested and prosecuted by the US Government for physically stopping the practice. The US Government was tacitly endorsing the grooming and sexual exploitation of Afghan boys, as if to prepare for an eventual importation of the practice in the United States and broader West.

Without warning, the obscure and rare desire of men to become women shot through society like a bullet. Teenagers went from normal, sexually confused kids to confident in their mutable biology. Unlike homosexuality, which took decades to resonate and gain a modicum of acceptance in society, transgenderism was shoved down everyone's throats over night and worse - it came straight for our children. Suddenly, "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was no longer a silly cult classic. It became a prophetic vision of a dystopian America while young girls were encouraged to remove their breasts.

Yet, there is a silver lining. Transgenderism has awoken the sleeping giant of moral outrage. As long as transgenders stuck to their own, no one cared. But come after five year olds, and that is another story. I have watched as countless, previous "social libertines" recoil at every new "Amazing Desmond." The fact is, Desmond is not "Amazing"; Desmond is the victim of child abuse by a mother with Munchausen's syndrome.

Every newest outrage, from demands of life altering, permanent biological changes at ages well below consent to the "need" to twerk in a g-string in public has an immediate impact on the total "LGBT" spectrum. It is beautiful because many who did not see the Trojan Horse of "love equality" in the past, see it now. This was always about targeting your children for perversion, exploitation, and eventual political manipulation. The Gay Agenda is on full display through its ultimate conclusion: Transgenderism.

Let them keep pushing. It shows you who they really are. There is nothing benign about homosexuality. It is evil - ALL of it. Treat homosexuals like the enemies they are.

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