Hillary Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday questioning whether President Trump and other Republicans are “slowing mail delivery” to complicate a potential mail-in ballot system for the November election.
“I fear Republican sabotage of the USPS, including slowing mail delivery, is a Trump strategy to make voting by mail more difficult this fall. Request your ballots and return them as early as you can,” she wrote.
I fear Republican sabotage of the USPS, including slowing mail delivery, is a Trump strategy to make voting by mail more difficult this fall. Request your ballots and return them as early as you can. https://t.co/LZONq8EPKE
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 4, 2020
While some took Clinton’s tweet as a serious call to action, others pointed out that she makes a case for what Trump and others have claimed about mail fraud and voting in person all along.
“The media has spent weeks pushing the narrative that mail-in voting is the bee’s knees and Hillary goes and blows it all up by tweeting that mail-in voting is ripe for fraud 😂,” wrote one Twitter user in response.
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This is an illegal election voting should be done by absentee ballots or in person. We stand in line almost every where so why should it be any different on voting. Congress should cancel the election until all legal rights for voting are followed
The left knows the Post Office is overwhelmed with Covid-19 problems, especially leftist states. I sent a package to New York from Arizona, it took 10 weeks to be delivered. The Postal Complex in New Jersey and Las Angeles are 2 of the worse Postal Complexes on the planet, you would be better off waiting on a delivery from china.
I ordered an item online and it was sent by US mail. It took 15 days to arrive; the excuse given was that the delay was due to COVID. I can hardly wait to see what will happen in November
Why isn't this b**** in prison?
Because she is aabove the law, because the republicans allow her to be, and no one out there has the bawls to bring her to justice. She can't be compelled to answer questions before a judge because of Corvid-19. anthony fauci is in love with her and is giving her cover with his bullshyt reasons on wearing masks. You notice when they cite any information about the virus, they now refer to it as coronavirus, which include the common cold, flus as well as Corvid-19, that is why the death rate is so high, no one is dying of the flu anymore.