
  • Yep, this fossil disciple of Saul Alinsky is still agitating to keep the division going. Fortunately, it is not working very well except in the big cities.

  • seems a contradiction in terms coming from her or  anyone on the left to suggest we should have harmony, The slogan of the left is to conquer and destroy dont  see any harmony in that

  • Why did she first become a lawyer?

  • And according to you Hillary, what would that common ground be?  Anything that is against the Constitution I bet!  That is not were I want to b=go.

  • God is separating the wheat from the tares... The questions surrounding good and evil are becoming the fundamental obstacle to finding mutual agreement on anything. 

    There is a great shaking taking place in the Church... Christians are being seriously challenged regarding their faith. Whether, one's faith is presumptive and misguided or REAL...  and uncompromised. 

    One can not dance with the Devil and expect God to approve.  It is time to trim our lamps and check the oil in them... too, ensure our lamps glow brightly and the works of the Holy Spirit are present in our lives

  • No, as common ground all too often is code for compromised values...  frankly, we have run out of both values and a will to compromise. 

    This nation, while we still have it.. needs to RETURN to our forefather's standards for a moral social order and government.  Immoral and pernicious leadership as offered by Hillary and the Democrats will only lead to the total destruction of our forefather's dreams for a new world... a world where liberty was the seed of our heritage and faith the guide of our youth... We have little of either left and the nation suffers dramatically from the poison of compromise and common ground.

  • There is no common ground between good and evil and broad you are one evil human

  • A lot of this mess started when they were in the White House. Hilliary you know what you can do to yourself.

  • She is the same empty bag of barely warm air as always.......just older and more desperate for power as she is seeing time slipping away!

    • She's more than a bag of warm air!!  She's a bag of hot air arisen from the bowels of Hell itself!

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