
  • I recall an ex-priest that had a radio show out of San Francisco. He ranted for months and months about how Bush didn't really win the election. Eventually he got busted with kiddie porn and went away.

  • hilderbeast knows what is coming when The Legendary Donald J. Trump wins another 4 years. I would not want to be one of the 3 hillary look-a-likes. One of them is going to clinticide herself, so the real hilderbeast can escape to either india or china.

  • Mrs Ugly would look better in a Yelow JumpSuit 

    • I like rope as a decorative element with that yellow jumpsuit. 

  • Joe Biden should save himself a lot of trouble and just admit to President Trump that he has no chance of winning  against Pres. Trump.

  • Another part of "THE PLAN" begins to unfold.
  • She has officially lost her mind.   She should b in prison w/Ojugears the commie.  

    • All the communist demoncrats should be in prison awaiting execution for their treasonous actions against America!!

    • So be it!


    • So be it!

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