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Hillary Clinton expressed exasperation Friday with Republicans she previously worked with who have refused to stand up to President Donald Trump and have instead remained silent.

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Clinton was asked how she feels about her former GOP colleagues with whom she served in the Senate in the early 2000s who have been mute on Trump.

“I don’t understand what has happened to them,” said Clinton, who added that she keeps looking for a senator like Margaret Chase Smith, a Republican, who stood up to Joe McCarthy.

“When Russians are interfering in our election, when they’re putting bounties on American soldiers, to stay silent is to be complicit,” she said. “That’s what I don’t understand — why do they want their place in history to be tarred by this apology for Trump at every turn or the silence that marks them when they’re asked a tough question.”
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  • She still has her ass burning from losing last time. Now they replaced her with a dementia ridden career politician. That gotta hurt. Go TRUMP!

  • She still has her ass burning from losing last time. Now they replaced her with a dementia ridden career politician. That gotta hurt. Go TRUMP!

  • She is one of the pedofiles.

  • For godz sake, does this ahole actually believe that Russia altered our election? She says it all the time and I WISH SHE WOULD SHUT UP

    • You know what's really a disgrace? The rinos in the senate said that the campaign shared sensitve data with Russia. The deep state is wide spread, and Trump needs to drain the swamp equally wide.

  • What a useless comment by hildebeast. The large majority of Americans can see how great America is towards the end of Trump's first term. They don't want to go back to the chaos, riost, anarchy and fiscal disarray that we suffered under obummer. They want more of the same and will give Trump a landslide voctory in November.

  • Margaret Chase Smith realizes that Joe McCarthy was right. marxist/commie politicians pos were selling out America. Sold their useless souls to marxism. 


  • Why is the DNC putting Hillary out front... could it be that Joe is in such poor health and dementia is getting out of hand that they need a DISTRACTION to take the light off Biden?  Watch for fewer live interviews or photo ops with Joe... more with Kamala and Hillary...  

  • Maybe they like the results of President Trump's actions. This old has-been needs to grab her husband pig-boy and leave the arena. Time to say bye bye hitlery.

  • Don't waste our time!

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