NOT ANYONES PRESIDENT - Hillary Clinton Laughs | Make a Meme

Former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said she wishes Donald Trump "knew how to be a president" and expressed bitterness over her loss to him in 2016 during her speech Wednesday to the Democratic National Convention, calling for "overwhelming" votes for the Biden-Ticket so "Trump can’t sneak or steal his way to victory."

"After the last election, I said, 'We owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead.' I really meant it. Every president deserves that,” Clinton opened her Democratic Convention speech on its third night. “I wish Donald Trump had been a better president. Because America needs a better president than this,” she said of her former opponent.

“For four years, people have said to me, ‘I didn’t realize how dangerous he was.’ ‘I wish I could go back and do it over.’ ‘I should have voted,’” Clinton said. “This can’t be another woulda-coulda-shoulda election."

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  • Hildabeast needs to quickly take the "GROUND TEMPERATURE CHALLENGE", for the sake of all Americans. May she NEVER wake up from her eternal dirt nap on the BROWN SIDE OF THE GRASS. She and her Billy-boy need to be hanged by their murderous necks for all the world to watch. How many important people have they had killed by their criminal cabal?7548982880?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Couldn't agree mpre - - -I've been saying that for years!

  • A note to hilderbeast, we finally have an adult in the White House. We got rid of all you useless petulant demons.

    • Hilderbeast is jealous because Trump has done a great job and is the best president in most Americans' lifetimes. He quickly ended the chaos, the riots, and the fiscal disarray that her boy obummer left behind.

  • And she certainly would not want to discuss how slick besmirched the oval office with his "monika rompings"!

  • You lost Hillary, get over it, go away

    • not go away, go to jail for all I care.


  • "Hillary Clinton says she wishes Trump ‘knew how to be a President'"

    I wish the Madam President (of nowhere) could be honest. About anything!

    • she doesn't know what the president is herdelf.


  • Could have? Could have? This guy is the best president America has had since Lincoln; and maybe ever.  This screeching hag needs to find a way to leave the rest of us alone. 

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