7453667259?profile=RESIZE_710xHillary Clinton's days as a public servant may not be behind her.

Speaking at The 19th Represents Summit on Thursday, Clinton was asked if she would accept a job in the Biden administration.

“I’m ready to help in any way I can," Clinton responded, "because I think this will be a moment where every American -- I don’t care what party you are, I don’t care what age, race, gender, I don’t care -- every American should want to fix our country... So if you’re asked to serve, you should certainly consider that.”

Clinton previously served alongside Joe Biden in the Obama administration as Secretary of State. Republicans were critical about her tenure at the State Department between her handling of the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack and the controversy over her private email server, which plagued her 2016 presidential campaign.

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  • The Clinton Foundation had reported it was 'Closing Down'... January 22, 2017. In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it’s firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.

    This certainly demonstrates what we've known all along... The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons and had little if anything to do with “charity,” either overseas or in the U.S. 

    However, in reality, the Clinton Foundation is still very active... though it has seen a drop in fundraising. Using the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch in August obtained emails (that had been hidden from investigators) showing that Clinton’s top State Department aide, Huma Abedin, had given “special expedited access to the secretary of state” for those who gave $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. Many of those were facilitated by a former executive of the foundation, Doug Band, who headed Teneo, a shell company that managed the Clintons’ affairs.

    Writing in the Washington Post in August of 2016, Charles Krauthammer pretty much summed up the whole tawdry tale: “The foundation is a massive family enterprise disguised as a charity, an opaque and elaborate mechanism for sucking money from the rich and the tyrannous to be channeled to Clinton Inc.,” he wrote. “Its purpose is to maintain the Clintons’ lifestyle (offices, travel accommodations, etc.), secure profitable connections, produce favorable publicity and reliably employ a vast entourage of retainers, ready to serve today and at the coming Clinton Restoration.”

    Never underestimate those willing to systematically and consistently violate the law to do whatever it takes to retain power... including eliminating opposition by any means necessary...

  • the clinton foundation must be running low on funds

    • hopefully broke for life.


  • What an administration a President who can't remember where he is, and a women who has no conscience..

  • We would probably never turn the news on again. On screeches like a banchi and the other has a nasal talking problem. Keep praying all that these scum get defeated.

  • Small mind, small wonder

  • it is scary to think a lady deserves to be in jail and now she wants to be in Joe Biden administration that's not right at all.

  • This alone should make people puke and vote AGAINST DemocRATS forever more. God help us if Biden is electedl because you will see Hillary and Obama in control again to continue their criminal act. I will be voting for TRUMP AND ALL REPUBLICANS IN NOVEMBER. PERIOD.

    • agree with you 100%

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