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  • President Trump will need to assume total authority over all branches of the government when he is back in the White House. That's the only way he can save our Republic, our freedom and liberties. 

      1. No. We need the republic to be restored through constitutional means and the Declaration and our other founding documents.
      2. We need standing and trained Citizen Common Law Grand Juries around the country, who fearlessly judge both the "law" and the case before them, as they are supposed to do via nullification.(Fully Informed Jury Assocation) every state must have at least one CCLGJ ready to indict, assemble, hear and prosecute to the fullest extent of the Constitution. The courts presently do not allow Fully Informed Jurors, they kick them out of the jury pool. Proven by the FIJA.
      3. We need the state milltias to gather and keep preparedness ready at all times to evict feds, aliens and any other violators, even chemspraying by the Air Force andor Navy.
      4. Each state must take extreme precautions to protect air, land, water, food, forest, animals, schools, churches, housing and all other, from alien invaders, whether those invaders are from dc or agencies or other. We need a fully reformed Customs agency to do what is right for US, not chyna. 
      5. We need interpostion by constitutional sheriffs. Constitutional sherrifs work locally, it's a two-fer when combined with the following and the Fully Informed Jury Association and constitutional Governors.
      6. What we need Trump to do is execute pink slips en masse and leave all these perverted agency tyrannies unfunded and fired. Begin with fib, cia, nsa, niaid, fda, epa, nia, irs, fed, tsa, blm and on down the road. Fire them all. Not hireable ever by the feds. 
      7. We need true currency that is clean and does not track or spy on us. Likely, banking systems must be reformed as well.
      8. We need to end medicare, to be replaced  and transitioned into Lifetime Personal Health Savings Accounts (LPHSA), individually owned from the 1st day of employment even if the age is 12. Those funds are safe, and transfer throughout the person's life. They should accumulate, to be supplemented by an emergency fund account or enrollment in a group emergency funding. That would be the basics of it. 
      9. We need some way to oversee any new or remaining agencies, accountable to Juries, to Citizens, to Congress. A 'No Immunity Clause' must be written into any new contract. 
      10. We need Congress purged of traitors and/or dual loyalties by Sheriffs or Juries or other means. No muslims. No foreigners. No moral deviants. No criminals. No dual citizens. We need oversight into their finances. Part of the job.
      11. We need a solution to college costs and student loans. End federal funding of colleges and horrific "research lab animal testing" as it is now. Cutting spinal cords in cats and inserting puppies' heads into aquariums with biting ants and other atrocities must end. Cutting vocal chords of beagles. Terrorizing monkeys in plastic tubes. Electric shocks that never end. ALL MUST END. 
      12. We need one amendment requiring proof that that any new bill is fully authorized by the constitution and to prove it—via it's submission and how it fulfills the necessary and proper clause, and how often it will be monitored regularly by a congressional bipartisan committee. There may be more amendments needed but the original ratified 13th must be restituted. No attorneys with oaths to the British BAR. FARA itself calls them foreign agents. Foreign Agent Registry Act online says so. BAR is British Accreditation Agency. No double loyalties.
      13. End all federal funding of anything not ordained by the Constitution. Universities, labs, reseach institutes. Only Constitutional authorized work must apply. 
      14. The issue of repeated taxation must be addressed constitutionally and tariffs instituted to pay taxes to the feds. We are taxed up down, left, right and a myriad other directions. 
      15. Ending funding of other countries must happen. Only when absolutely necessary in case of imminent war, should be fund any ally. 
      16. All ties to the IMF, UN, WEF,  UNESCO, the International Red Cross, and other demonic entities must be ended forever. They are all involved in trafficking. 
      17. Children's Services must be investigated and overhauled. They are involved with trafficking of children. 
      18. 501(C)3's must end for churches. Churches should be allowed to function as churches, schools, with oversight via public scrutiny. No Mother-May-I permissions in a land of liberty. 
      19. We need all bills to be limited to 300 pages max, allow one month to read, debate and study the thing and conduct hearings in each home district.  
      20. We need the strict limitation of the constitutional 30,000 citizens limit per congressional district. This alone would force congress to work from the home district because congressionl reprensentatives would grow exponentially. Bring the rats home where the cats can get to them. Turnabout is indeed fair play. Yeow.
      21. We need states to act like the republics they are supposed to be. Protect their borders and protect their acreage by forcing feds out of their states, thereby, limiting the feds to the constitutional limit of 10% of land use in America. All federal parks must return to the states via the Constitution.
      22. We need all law schools to be rebirthed into fully constitutional law schools and include the Declaration as law, and also based upon our history, historic docuements and original language per Webster's 1827 Dictionary.
      23. We need all med schools burned down and rebirthed into natural healing. Kill them before they kill us. figuratively, of course. 
      24. We need all forms of poisoning people to be utterly destroyed, from chemtrails, to the jxx, to childhood and pet jxxines, to flouride, chlorine, to high-fructose corn syrup, fire-retardants, colorants, etc., etc., etc. A people who are poisoned cannot think or act right much less procreate. Fertility has been attacked via covID. This means the end of every agency doing any and or all of these poisoning mechanisms. Pink slips for all. Banned.  
      25. Every ounce of 0care must be abolished along with every other non-constitutional law, ordinance, code or other. Transgender, as added by Roberts, must be removed as the immorality and wickedness that it is. 
      26. Morality must be the foundation of law, as in: what works for one, works for all in all situations, like Lincoln and James Wilson so eloquenty expressed again and again. Every opinion must be trashed that has laid the foundation for an immoral society, culture and future. It is indeed trash time. 
      27. The Declaration must be understood as law. It was signed by the governing body of the time, therefore it is law and binding, if we only knew our words.....
      28. And We the People must rise up and take and demand our full liberties, freedoms and rights. The people must wake up and be responsible and informed, never again so trusting and foolish and lazy. Laziness is immorality evidenced. 
    • 1828 Dicationary, Webster's. 

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