Hollywood loses over $500 Billion in market value in 2022

Wisdom Compass - Imgflip

A few days back, Financial Times reported that the Dow Jones Media Titans index, which tracks the performance of 30 of the world’s largest media companies, had a 40 percent fall this year. This caused a decline from $1.35 trillion to $808 billion in total market value.

These losses were considerably higher than those in other sectors, such as banking, which saw a 14.5 percent drop, and telecommunications, which witnessed a fall of 11.2 percent for the same time frame.

Major studios, streamers, cable providers, and other media giants lost a combined $542 billion in market value in 2022.

Disney Inc., the home of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Mary Poppins, Aladdin, and Toy Story faltered quite badly. The stocks of this once invincible brand and iconic American company plummeted by more than 40 percent this year. The company faces weak profitability for the foreseeable future, prompting the firing of CEO Bob Chapek and the return of former CEO Bob Iger.

Netflix experienced an unprecedented two consecutive quarters of subscriber losses this year, which resulted in layoffs and cost-cutting across the board. For the year, the stock is down more than 50 percent.

Other big losers include Paramount Global, whose stock has dropped more than 40 percent, and Warner Bros. Discovery — the parent company of CNN — whose stock has tumbled more than 60 percent.

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  • At what point will these people figure this out? 

  • With recent changes in the real estate market, they are losing market value, BIG TIME, in that area as well.

    • "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflationthen by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered"  Quote Thomas Jefferson

      The Federal Reserve Banking System is a 'PRIVATE BANKING SYSTEM' and they control the issue of our currency.... Look for inflation and now deflation to put tour children out of their homes and deprive them of all of their property.  We must return the control of our currency to Congress and the US Treasury by repealing the Federal Reserve Act.

    • If we can just convince Congress that we need to repeal the FR Act, if America is to even survive!

  • fine with me! I ain't watching their crap! 

  • Disney needs to sink and go away. Pedo and phallic symbols were in 101 Dalmations so it goes back at least that far. Disney's Club 33 in Florida is alleged to symbolize the 33rd° of Masonry. Why is Club 33 not a public place?


    Right in DeSantis's backyard.

  • As far as I'm concerned Hollywood and their ilk can disappear for good. All they produce is disgusting trash.

  • Go woke..go broke.  Once upon a time Hollywood was more conservative than Libtard and not overtly10921164486?profile=RESIZE_584x political.  Now it's 50 shades of  Satanic. pedo indoctrination instead of entertainment. There's child kidnapping, pedophilia, torture, murder to make adrenochrome, serving them up for a main course and using their skin to make red shoes and accessories. Actor Izaac Kappy outed Tom Hanks, Seth Green, Spielburg and others before he was suicided.

  • The Problem is not the audience or the lack of demand for QUALITY entertainment... One look at the list of Iconic brands that produced Disney and gave America its leading role in the cinematic world should tell us all what the problem is... and it isn't the audience.  The Problem is directly related to the poor branding and thematic character of the current products being offered to the audience... POLITICALLY CORRECT productions are losers... BIG LOSERS.  One should not be surprised that Christian families are refusing to pay for the programming coming out of the lost generations of today.... The JUNK they call entertainment is not entertainment at all... it is the product of cultural indoctrination and the propaganda of the Bankrupt Cultural War supported by Marxists and the fringe elements of cultural insanity... sexual perversion, and civil chaos where... the police are bad... criminals and drug lords are good. 

    With junk cultural revolution as their commodity and Political Correctness as their theme for marketing ... it is a wonder they have any audience.   Return to producing culturally attuned Micky Mouse and Donald Duck cartoons instead of Bevas and Butt Head and their audience may return.   As long as Cpt. Janeway and her hidden lesbian supremacy role are leading 'Star Trek' look for their leading series to continue their race to the bottom.  White males don't want to hear how defective they are or to be portrayed as evil, weak, and emotionally unstable... they prefer the John Wayne characterization of their sex and race. 

    There are so many culturally repugnant problems and serious lifestyle issues that Hollywood chooses to promote... it is a wonder they have any audience participation.  What male child wants to be told he is defective or that he and those like him are somehow biased and emotionally unstable?  What male wants to watch an adventure movie where a white male is portrayed as a clown who constantly is corrected by a female that kicks his butt every other frame?  Or what parent wants their children to watch Jane and Mary in a series where their alternative lifestyle is portrayed as an idyllic family?   What Christian wants to tune into a program that constantly denigrates Christ or portrays His ministers as EVIL and DEMENTED?  What kind of return on investment should Hollywood expect when they attack Christ in a majority Christian society?

    • If we could, somehow, disconnect the CCP and their BIG $$$ from Hollywood, that would, no doubt, create a complete change in the content AND character of what Hollywood might continue  to produce!!

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