
  • I don't give a F*** who she nominated; I'm voting for TRUMP!!

    • I am going to vote for Trump all the way.

  • Thank God I did not watch the Democratic convention.

    • Not many of us were watching these idiots. It would have been more interesting if Antifa and blm had burned the speeches down. That would have livened up the droning from the communists who were speaking. This is going to be a MASSACRE of biblical proportions.  TRUMP 2020 to save the world!

  • Do NOT underestimate these people. The Marxist leftists have been indoctrinating our youngsters in the public education system for a long, long time, and many of our mature citizens are indoctrinated as well by the constant propaganda from the mainstream media. Vote conservative! Talk to your friends and neighbors and convince them to vote conservative as well, as the survival of our republic may depend on it.

    • Does depend on it!

    • Don't have to look, it has been right in front of us for many decades now. But there are none so blind as those who will not see.

  • familiar to chicago in 1968

  • The uber-commie nominates Biden!!!! That means only one thing. The election will be a cakewalk for Trump. No sane American wants to take the country down the commie abyss.

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