Riot police cuffed a CNN crew in Minneapolis only hours after a competing establishment media outlet gave the nation a dishonest account of the severity of the unrest in the city.

The shocking arrest happened early Friday morning as fires from the previous night’s riots still smoldered.

State police claimed the crew was put in handcuffs after refusing to obey an order to move, according to CNN.

Live video of the arrest appears to dispute that account, as network correspondent Omar Jimenez repeatedly asked officers where he should relocate to.

Watch the footage below:

The crew was eventually released later that morning after an intervention from Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Walz reaffirmed the media’s crucial place in covering events like this, apologizing for the arrest.

But Minneapolis State Patrol isn’t the only group caught in an embarrassing place after Thursday night’s riots.

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Hours prior to the CNN crew’s early morning arrest, an MSNBC reporter downplayed the protests as the night descended into chaos.

“This is mostly a protest,” reporter Ali Velshi said. “It is not generally speaking unruly.”

Velshi’s dishonest assessment of the situation was given as a massive blaze burned in the background and police control had clearly not been established.










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