House Democrats are reportedly discussing the possibility of getting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) a restraining order against fellow member Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).
Democrats are also pushing for an ethics investigation of Greene as the Democratic caucus continues to crack down on the Georgia Republican. As Politico reports:
House Democratic leaders have been discussing for weeks how to handle Greene’s troubling pattern of behavior. That includes a recent discussion among Democratic leadership in which lawmakers discussed possible legal outcomes for the Georgia Republican, though nothing has been settled at this point.
For Ocasio-Cortez — who was previously harassed by Greene in 2019 — top Democrats have discussed whether it’s possible for Ocasio-Cortez to seek a restraining order against Greene, including whether she had the legal standing to do so, according to multiple Democratic sources. Pelosi and other top Democrats have also called for an ethics investigation both publicly and privately, though the House Ethics Committee has not disclosed the existence of any such probe.
Democrats also acknowledge that punishing Greene is a complex issue: They want to hold her accountable without simply emboldening her public stunts — and her fundraising. Top Democrats have not ruled out a vote on a measure such as a censure, though the House will not be back in session until mid-June.
In 2019, Greene stood outside of Ocasio-Cortez congressional office insulting the then-freshman Democrat, calling Ocasio-Cortez “crazy eyes” and “nutty.” Earlier this month, Greene confronted Ocasio-Cortez in the Capitol about supporting “terrorists and Antifa.” As The Washington Post reported:
Two Washington Post reporters witnessed Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) exit the House chamber late Wednesday afternoon ahead of Greene (Ga.), who shouted “Hey Alexandria” twice in an effort to get her attention. When Ocasio-Cortez did not stop walking, Greene picked up her pace and began shouting at her and asking why she supports antifa, a loosely knit group of far-left activists, and Black Lives Matter, falsely labeling them “terrorist” groups. Greene also shouted that Ocasio-Cortez was failing to defend her “radical socialist” beliefs by declining to publicly debate the freshman from Georgia.
“You don’t care about the American people,” Greene shouted. “Why do you support terrorists and antifa?”
Ocasio-Cortez did not stop to answer Greene, only turning around once and throwing her hands in the air in an exasperated motion. The two reporters were not close enough to hear what the New York congresswoman said, and her office declined to discuss her specific response.
The Democratic majority in the House has cracked down on Greene since she took office. Usually, rogue or controversial members are dealt with within their own caucus; however, Democrats have made an exception with Greene. In February, Democrats and 11 Republicans voted to remove Greene from all of her committee positions.
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All Republicans members should stand with her and see what their next move will be will it be known as the People House or the Socialist House.
Congressional immunity refers to a special immunity that is granted to members of Congress in the US Constitution and by Statutory Laws and the rules of Congress.
The following are the exemptions granted to the members of Congress under congressional immunity :
1. Members of Congress are exempted from arrest or Court ordered restrictions (restraining orders) the keep them from their duties, while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony, or;
2. Arrest or interrogation for any speech or debate entered into during a legislative session.
1In In re Grand Jury, 821 F.2d 946 (3d Cir. Pa. 1987), it was held that congressional immunity is a privilege that is applied broadly to all acts that occur in the regular course of the Congress. It, therefore, applies to all activities while Congress is in session. Congress's recourse for rogue members is EXPULSION, which must take place while Congress is in session. If they want to Constitutionally deal with Rep. Greene it must be thru censure or expulsion. They have already removed her from all committee assignments, they can do little more lawfully or Constitutionally without expelling her.
A restraining order would limit Greene's ability to attend to her Congressional duties and would therefore be an unconstitutional restraint on her
Freedom of speech answers all their questions.
I'm thinkiing that since the commie/demonRats have a petition going to expel our wonderful Ms. Greene from congrass, WE should write one up demanding that not only should she remain in congrass, but her committee positions should be restored to her as well!!! I don't know how to write a petition, but if anyone here does, rest assured, many, many would sign it! We absolutely NEED her to stay right where she is, she is one of the few voices who truly speak for US, regardless of which state she's from - she speaks for US ALL! We need someone to come against the freak demons of the "squawks", pigloser, etc. So what if she says things that are wacky, Our POTUS did, too, though he got roasted every time he did, but so is Ms. Greene, and it's stupid. She's actually trying to get things done and hold congrass accountable for their shenanigans, and they're doing all they can to oust her. WE need to help and stand with her however WE can. Please, if you know how to write up a petition, find out what needs to be done to make it work, I hope you'll share and if WE can do anything to help, let US know. I realize I'm speaking for everyone so if you don't agree with this and don't want to participate, that's fine, you don't have to, of course, just putting it out there. I'll copy this and post it to Gab, too, see if anyone there could take this on. Ms. Greene is there, too, maybe she'll chime in. Thanks!! :-D
The Republicans need to do the same thing against Pelosi and Schumer.Put a restraining order on Pelosi and Schumer. They also need to do an ethics probe on both of them. AOC, Pelosi, and Schumer hate this country and should be kicked out of congress. It is time for me to send more e-mails to my reps and senators to have them do exactly what the Democrats are doing. Time to fight back.
That is exactly what I was thinking. When are the REP going to grow a set.
There are way too many timid and stupid Republicans in Congress. Time to get some in that have a pair.
Just what is needed - more meetings to assure they don't do anything that helps their constituents! These have to be the laziest, most ineffective representatives in the history of Congress. If anyone should be punished it is the entire "Squad". they shouldn't be allowed any where near a microphone. Talk about people shoe cannot even spell truth.