Michael Grimm - Like and share if you're tired of Democrats like  @maxrose4ny helping Nancy Pelosi obstruct basic Border Security because of  their Trump derangement syndrome. Country over party! Americans over  illegals! #

A stimulus package proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives includes a number of items that will benefit illegal immigrants -- including an expansion of stimulus checks and protections from deportations for illegal immigrants in certain “essential” jobs.

The $2.2 trillion bill includes language that allows some illegal immigrants -- who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States” -- to be placed into “a period of deferred action” and authorized to work if they meet certain conditions.

It also grants protections to those employers who hire those undocumented immigrants, ordering that “the hiring, employment or continued employment” of the defined group is not in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act. That lasts until 90 days after the public health emergency is ended.

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  • Who, exactly, do these Democrat morons THINK would vote for THEM if THIS is how they treat AMERICAN CITIZEN TAXPAYERS WHO WOULD FOOT THE BILL???

    Sure seems like the ultimate in disrespect for your own VOTERS!!!!

  • How do they know who and where the illegals be to send them a check, or is this just another money laundering scheme? Have ICE deliver the checks, then boot their parasitic asses out of the country, all 38 million of them.

  • S.O.S. America! We're under attack!!!

  • Not only  "no"... BUT HELL NO!!!  Come back when you are serious, Nancy.  NOT BEFORE.

    Oh, and it's still NO to restoring solvency to your profligate and broke, Democrat-managed cities and states.  NEVER. They'll never learn from their mistakes, otherwise.

  • this is sick

  • The Socialist Party know that this is a dead bill all they want is hurt the president, idiots don't they know President Trump will tell the American people why he disagree with their stupid bill 

    • Of course, this bill is dead. Denonrats put out a bill to fix an economic crisis that they caused because they believe in the hoax this virus is. Trump knows better as he always does.

    • REAL people are dying from this 'hoax'! Now, we learn that Trump, himself, (and his wife, too) have tested positive! Let's all hope they recover safely! As for Nancy Pelosi and her adolescent girl-games, it's time for America to wake up to her tricks! She KNOWS her bills won't be passed in the Senate, but she's only interested in makin Trump look bad. The problem is, for her, that it just makes HER look stupid! Americans are SUFFERING because she refuses to approve a valid bill to help them. Everyone knows it's not Trump that is holding this up! Trump is the one who gives the FINAL approval to a bill, AFTER it passes the Senate! Even the Democrats are telling her to stop the BS!

    • Every year people are dying from the flu. This is nothing new. Trump knows more about the disease than fake experts like Fauci do. So, I am not worried about him, and I am proud of how President Trump has responed to the pandemic while also maintaining a strong economy. Trump's response to the virus is the envy of the world.

      It is obvious that we all want Trump to assume total authority over the country so that he can make America great again. The deep state, the demonrats under Pelosi. etc are only here to mess him up. We need to eliminate them and give Trump total reign. Jeff on this thread also agrees with this idea. We can have an approved opposition that is as patriotic as Trump is but no more America hating opposition. Otherwise we won't be able to preserve our way of life, our freedom and liberties.

    • I am with you Paul

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