Democrats plan a wave of investigations into the Trump administration.
Several leading committee chairs have sent a letter to more than 50 agencies warning that all documents and texts, even on private phones, from the Trump administration should be preserved until told otherwise.
“This preservation request should be construed as an instruction to preserve all documents, communications, and other information, including electronic information and metadata, that is or may be potentially responsive to a congressional inquiry, request, investigation, or subpoena that was initiated, continued, or otherwise undertaken during the 116th Congress,” said the 173-page package sent out.
For good measure, it included a jail threat.
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How about throwing commie pelosi in jail for ripping up the President's SOTU last year? She has never been made to answer for that blatant criminal behavior.
To me, That SHOULD HAVE BEEN Criminal and She SHOULD have Been Shoved Out The Door Of Senate not to mention Some Jail Time Added to it..!
WE THE PEOPLE "MUST" Envolve Ourselves In Correcting The DEADLY WRONGS That Are Going On In This Country..! We "MUST" Make Time and Take The Time To Get Envolved..! Even Volunteer For Position Of Thing Like Article 5 Convention Of The States..! Individual People Are WELCOMED To Join In..! There Are Places Where WE CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE..! Get Envolved..! I Do- You All Should Too..! Pray To God and Turn This Country Back To God and He Will Heal Our Land..!!!
Does that include shredding fraud voter ballots? Will have to build more jails if so.
But Hillary can destroy Supoenaed Evidence at will...
Oh, good; let them pass that and THEN, show them the video of fancy nancy destroying the copy of President Trump's SOTU, last year!! Jail TIME it is - - and it couldn't happen to a better person.
Those bastards, how many democrats have destroyed records even after the information was requested? Clinton. What is it with these people? They can not govern because of their un controllable hate. They are pushing a lot of democrats to the republicans. They won't be able to throw the next two election. If he chooses Trump will reside in the White House again.