House Republicans rejected an effort by House Democrats on Thursday to pass a bill to provide $2,000 stimulus checks — up from the $600 approved in a sweeping coronavirus relief and omnibus spending package earlier in the week.
Democrats offered the bill after President Trump raised objections to the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and omibus spending package approved by Congress on Monday.
Trump explicitly complained that the $600 direct payments to Americans included in the bill were too small, calling for the checks to be $2,000.
Democrats seized on the president's words to try to put Republicans in a difficult spot, arguing they also preferred the higher payments.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) offered the measure to boost the check size to $2,000 during the Christmas Eve session of the House by unanimous consent.
A number of Republicans in Congress oppose direct payments of $2,000.
In response to Hoyer, Rep. Rob Whitman (R-Va.) sought to bring up a competing measure to revisit the portion of the appropriations legislation that relates to foreign aid. Trump also criticize those provisions, which were included after a negotiation with Republicans and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who signed off on the deal.
Trump only raised his objections after the bill was approved by Congress, surprising members of both parties and putting Republicans in the House and Senate in a difficult political spot.
The government will shut down on Tuesday unless Trump signs the bill, or a new funding measures is approved.
Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), who was presiding over the House, shot down both the Hoyer and Whitman requests on Thursday, which was expected.
She said that under House guidelines, legislation can’t be considered by unanimous consent unless there is the approval of bipartisan House floor and committee leadership.
Thursday’s effort on the $2,000 direct payments from House Democrats won’t be their last. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement that the House on Monday would hold a recorded vote on legislation to increase the size of the checks in the relief package to $2,000.
Remove all the billions of dollars to foreign countries!!!!
and shit like performing arts kennedy shit all of it
She and other demoncrats will be serving hard time in Satan's Lake of Fire for eternity!!
No Matter what happens these A~WHOLES always get paid! after Christmas, Bombard their phones with calls.
Vote em all out! THEY waited til the last minute! SOME ppl really needed that help! and they did not get it!
actually what a lot of us have known for decades is "we aint electing them" they are electing themselves thru massive fraud , can you say dominion? and this software has been around since the 1st bush
you are correct in your statement.
Shut the government down! Stop their paychecks and see how they like that. Both sides of the isle is useless - they lie and steal and produce nothing of value.
and when it reopens send 90% of there paycheck to muslim countries
you show me a congressional bill that claims to help people and i'll show you an opportunity for congress for the umpteenth time of helping themself at taxpayers expense. everyone who has had to pay a tax penalty due to the affordaBLE care act should be reimbursed
The removal of SCOTUS's right to invoke the Insurrection Act must be removed from any bill. This doesn't say whether that is part of the denial.