The U.S. House of Representatives passed universal background check gun control Thursday, criminalizing private gun sales conducted apart from an FBI background check.
The legislation, H.R. 8, sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), passed by a vote of 227 to 203.
H.R. 8 would expand retail point-of-sale background checks so as to cover private points-of-sale. This will criminalize an individual who sells a 5-shot revolver to a lifelong neighbor, unless that neighbor first undergoes a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check, conducted by the FBI.
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If the Bill becomes law, all it will do is create 74 million criminals. We will never register our guns, never hand them over, and never listen to the criminals that represent us in congress.
Discusting. Worst of all this will not stop criminals from getting guns. Stupid lawmakers stop this nonsense until you can figure out a way to stop criminals getting guns. Which you can't - lawbreakers will always find a way around laws. And with our local, state and federal government crying about the "rights" of criminals, they wouldn't even try.
this Obama administration all over again.
ll sell my guns through donations
Just "disappear" your guns. If the government takes away our guns, our fate is certain, and we won't be able to stop what is coming at us in this agenda to re-configure the world population. We citizens are the militia, by birthright, and this is our country, our HOME, just like the home we own and live in and have a right to defend it. The Second Amendment doesn't just bestow rights to own firearms, it imposes a responsibility on ALL citizens who love the country and our ideology to defend it at all costs. Go to my blog at and read the First Amendment Controversy; it also goes into the Second Amendment. Understand what I write and you'll understand that we each have a responsibility for form a militia when our ideology is seriously threatened by homegrown socialists/communists/totalitiarians/Islamists etc.
If we as people and as a nation continue to get lost in fractionalized analysis about piece-meal attacks on our constitutional rights, we will fail to see the really big picture. The big picture is about how the shadow goverment is currently moving full-steam ahead with a plan to re-configure the entire world and its population. Everything going on in this world's governments are powered by those shadows more powerful than any governments. My username is Voice of Reason on Twitter - at least it was until I was suspended for exposing Bill Gates (who made a short video basically telling me to back off the expose'), and I have written and published a 531 page compendium exposing these shadow forces and their agenda in all of its facets. Without our First and Second Amendment, we humans will be helpless against these shadow forces. Until we are all unified with the same understanding that I have written clearly about, we will NOT win this war against humankind that is already on its way. ... Like a survival guide in difficult times is wise to read, so is this book, entitled World Beyond Reason: The Orwellian Factor (Dorrance Publishing), now on Amazon and eBay as well as at ... by JAMES C LEWIS ... ISBN: 978-1-6480-4365-9 ... Read it before it is banned. Consider this: if it is so benign a book, why are "they" trying to block book sales or ban it? .... If you want to "rock the boat" help start a fire under this book and make sure it becomes controversial so that more people buy and read it before it is too late. ... There are predictions there that have come true, some are coming true, and in the future the pathway is becoming clear where these shadow forces intend to take humankind. .... And you won't like it. Fight for you, your community, your country, and for the future of your children and humankind itself. ... Only $31 (softcopy) and $26 ebook. An insignificant investment in your own future. It is always better to know than not know. Buy it. Read it. Help make it go viral.
Keep track of the names of the Republicans who voted for this bill - need to be voted out at the next election!
Unless I am mistaken, wholesale confiscation is potetially explosive and the Left does not want a sudden uprising by direct confiscation. They will get our guns by chipping away at them, as they already have been doing. California,for instance, has imposed ridiculous limits on how much ammo you can purchase at one time, and for shooters going to the ranges, what they are allowed to buy at one time is hardly enough to go to the range. ... Unless I am mistaken, gun confiscation under Hitler was also a slight chipping away, i.e., registration first, for the Jews and other non-Germans, and then confiscation. ... In Tsarist Russia, people loved guns. Officers, merchants, students, respectable dames, and young ladies all had a favorite handgun, sometimes more than one. However, by the end of the 1917 Revolution the authorities had restricted the right to carry firearms. ... The anti-gun folks are already a third of the way, perhaps more, in my estimation, of achieving confiscation. ... Step by step. Are America's patriots going to stand down while it continues to happen?
yes they do but there is no reason any Republican should vote for this garbage, Sure Trump is keeping lists.
Sorry; bet this one won't fly with 70+ percent of the people in the real world