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American firms funded by the Pentagon are selling their technology to Chinese companies involved in hypersonic missiles, according to a new analysis.

Under U.S. law, the sale of American products to China is banned if there is knowledge or even reasonable suspicion that they will be used for developing a missile.

Yet an investigation by The Washington Post, published on Monday, found numerous examples of U.S. firms supplying Chinese entities with their software or equipment - often with the use of middlemen.

The Washington Post uncovered evidence of more than 300 sales since 2019 of U.S.-origin technology to dozens of entities involved in China's hypersonics or missile programs, carried out by almost 50 firms.

Even more concerning, analysts said, was many of the U.S. firms were frequently funded by the Pentagon and working with the U.S. military, while selling the sought-after goods and programs to Chinese companies.

'It's very disturbing, because the bottom line is that technology that can be used for military hypersonics was funded by U.S. taxpayers, through the U.S. government, and ended up in China,' said Iain Boyd, director of the Center for National Security Initiatives at the University of Colorado at Boulder, speaking to The Post.

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