I should state at the outset that were it not for doctors, I would either be paralyzed or dead. I owe my mobility and probably my life to wonderful physicians.

Image result for democrats killed people covid hcq meme

However, I will now state with equal certitude that the American medical profession as a whole and many individual doctors are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans -- very possibly, more than that.

Along with the media -- from The New York Times to Google/YouTube, Facebook and Twitter -- Americans have been denied both life-saving information and life-saving drugs.

I am specifically referring to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. These drugs (along with zinc), which are as safe as any medicines humanity has taken in the last half-century, should have been almost universally used to treat COVID-19 patients as soon as those patients showed symptoms or tested positive -- and even as a prophylactic to prevent or minimize the effects of the illness in the first place. If they had been, it is likely that tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of those who died of the virus would have lived.

For the record, I put my medicines where my mouth is. I have been taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc (as well as vitamin D and selenium) on a regular basis for half a year, and ivermectin for the past three months. More for the record: During this time, I have hugged hundreds of strangers at various events around the country, maskless. In addition, at home, I live with four people: my wife, two stepsons and the fiancee of one of the sons. That couple, both in their mid-20s, developed symptoms and then tested positive for COVID-19 a month ago. They were the only two members of the family not to be on hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. And while they were ill, my wife and I practiced no social distancing, wore no masks in the house and tested negative twice (as responsible citizens, we quarantined at home for 14 days).

The son and his fiancee immediately began a course of treatment of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, ivermectin, vitamin D and selenium, and within half a day, they were feeling better. A few days later, all their symptoms had vanished.

Of course, the medical establishment, the media and others committed to irrationality, fear, making fortunes from pharmaceutical companies and keeping Americans from a normal life will dismiss all this as just anecdotes. But I would ask: How many anecdotes about the effectiveness of these safe drugs does it take to persuade people? I would ask a more damning question: Given how safe hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are, what could we have possibly lost by allowing millions of people to take these medicines?

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  • let's not stop at covid here. only heaven knows how many americans have died in abortion clinics whether they were the fetus or the the victim of botched abortions and then the scores who have died for not having the money to  afford the exorberant prices set by the medical establishment regarding pharmaceutical products or surgical needs

    • Roy, what are you talking about? We should be grateful that Trump made America great again and cut back on the terrible obummer-care. He also told us in his campaign that he had the best health care plan. I think we are all good with healthcare now, after Trump addressed the issue.

  • Non Accountable

  • This China hoax is nothing more than the Russia hoax was. 

  • Many other examples, like a corrupt VA, or deliberate institutional malpractice (such as Justina Keller in Boston area) back in hussein days.

    The medical institution is not immune to corruption, same as police or even our military... I suppose all upper echelon oaths could now be called oaths to hypocrisy

  • Murder is a national pastime... and the medical profession needs to be told in no uncertain terms that their stubborn refusal to acknowledge the numbers and incidents of these medicines' effectiveness is doing harm to the nation and the world.  It is time to speak out in our private and personal contacts with physicians and their staff... nurses, med-techs, etc.  They are all part of the problem when it comes to using holistic medicines and low-cost medical regimes that cure patients... Cures require no follow up, fewer office visits, no labs or hospital fees... all add up to huge drops in revenue.  

    • See the videos of Dr Simone Gold, and Dr Lee Merritt, both of whom are telling the truth about the virus, and about Hydroxychloroquin and zithromysin!

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