How spineless and traitorous are most of the GOP?

Republican Whimps & RINOs Meme Gallery - Politically Incorrect Humor

By now it is abundantly clear to any American paying attention that the Biden campaign/Democrat machine set out to guarantee that Donald Trump would not, could not, win the 2020 election. They cheated seven ways to Sunday! They committed epic fraud. Fake ballots, dead people voting – thousands of them, hundreds of thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots were counted in the names of people who did not request them or submit them.

Hundreds of thousands of magically appearing fake ballots were counted in PA, MI, and WI. Perhaps GA and NV as well. The truth has been revealed. Will it matter? Time will tell. I hope that the truth will out, despite the left’s operatives in Congress, the courts, the state legislatures, the FBI, CIA and DOJ and all those weak-kneed Republicans who are terrified to rock the establishment boat.

The attempts among members of Congress and of those agencies to cover up their monstrous scheme to steal the 2020 election are being revealed. Their efforts to cover up their treasonous attempt at a coup from the moment Trump won the 2016 election must be revealed.

What is so shockingly infuriating to the millions of people who voted for President Trump is the abject cowardice of most Republicans in Congress and in those state legislatures. It is as though they’ve been gelded.

We Trump supporters revere the Republicans who step up: Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Ron Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Marsha Blackburn, state senator Doug Mastriano of PA, amongst others. These are the good guys, the brave ones. Most of the rest of them are utter cowards, afraid to ruffle the feathers of their fellow swamp dwellers.

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