I don't condone attacking individuals. I recommend attacking corporations and sponors without qualification. Convince Rush to use the tools that have been used against him, and things will change. Attack sponsors, corporations, and lastly individuals.
Dan, I agree with what you are saying. I said since Obama that the dems are like the Borg on Star Trek. They only have one brain, and use it poorly. I've told my congressman that he needs to get down and dirty to deal with the dems. I told him you don't have to become dirty, but you need to be there to deal with dems. I'm a firm believer in not supporting people or businesses that hate me. Republicans and conservatives need to learn how to protest effectively. How to vett people in their groups and throw out the trouble makers. Emotions are good to keep you going over long periods of time, but calm calulation leads to better results.
Dan is exactly right. I recently went on line, found out how to contact the producers of Jeopardy, and let them know that if Katie Couric appeared on the show as a host or contestant, Jeopardy would never again be seen on any of the four tv's in this house. Like Dan and millions of Americans, I am tired of being shoved around by these Communist minded liberals and Democrats and I have decided the time has come to take a stand or suffer the fall.
Les Landers > Larry L SolomonJanuary 31, 2021 at 11:14am
Boycotts work, a good example is fox news! Keep up the good word! Fox is not dead yet but they are feeling the pinch!
I am in full agreement with you Dan. The founders of this Nation pledged their all, wealth, freedoms, and lives to suceed. There are many alternative places to shop for what you want or need but sometimes it takes a little sacrifice to be effective. It doesn't take a lot to check the backrounds of companies who will sell your freedoms down the road for a profit. Thats what they are in business for. Once sales plummet they will change their ways to secure their profits. A lot of companies take their wealth and use it against us because they think we do not have the will to fight them. We must stop handing them huge profits. I find we need direction from our leaders be it direct or indirect of who to stop doing business with. We all know abouit the social media and the companies who advertize with them that would be a good start. Lets keep pushing this movement.
Absolutely correct. If ALL conservatives boycotted Leftist businesses, we would change America for the better quickly. I don't shop at Target because of their transgender bathroom policy. I don't shop at Home Depot because 99% of their political funding goes to Democrats. I don't shop at Amazon .... yes, even though it's really easy and their prices might be a little lower .... I use Ebay. If you shop at Target, Home Depot and Amazon, you are funding the enemy and the destruction of American culture. We ARE in a War. Stop giving the enemy gasoline like Prescott Bush did for Germany and money. like the Rothschilds did to create the Soviet Union.
I don't condone attacking individuals. I recommend attacking corporations and sponors without qualification. Convince Rush to use the tools that have been used against him, and things will change. Attack sponsors, corporations, and lastly individuals.
Ed Bradford, Ph.D. Physics, retired
Pflugerville, TX
Dan, I agree with what you are saying. I said since Obama that the dems are like the Borg on Star Trek. They only have one brain, and use it poorly. I've told my congressman that he needs to get down and dirty to deal with the dems. I told him you don't have to become dirty, but you need to be there to deal with dems. I'm a firm believer in not supporting people or businesses that hate me. Republicans and conservatives need to learn how to protest effectively. How to vett people in their groups and throw out the trouble makers. Emotions are good to keep you going over long periods of time, but calm calulation leads to better results.
I don't think boycotts work period because they boycott Target, and others they still in business.
Do like BLM does.
No more Jeopardy for me.
Dan is exactly right. I recently went on line, found out how to contact the producers of Jeopardy, and let them know that if Katie Couric appeared on the show as a host or contestant, Jeopardy would never again be seen on any of the four tv's in this house. Like Dan and millions of Americans, I am tired of being shoved around by these Communist minded liberals and Democrats and I have decided the time has come to take a stand or suffer the fall.
Boycotts work, a good example is fox news! Keep up the good word! Fox is not dead yet but they are feeling the pinch!
I am in full agreement with you Dan. The founders of this Nation pledged their all, wealth, freedoms, and lives to suceed. There are many alternative places to shop for what you want or need but sometimes it takes a little sacrifice to be effective. It doesn't take a lot to check the backrounds of companies who will sell your freedoms down the road for a profit. Thats what they are in business for. Once sales plummet they will change their ways to secure their profits. A lot of companies take their wealth and use it against us because they think we do not have the will to fight them. We must stop handing them huge profits. I find we need direction from our leaders be it direct or indirect of who to stop doing business with. We all know abouit the social media and the companies who advertize with them that would be a good start. Lets keep pushing this movement.
Where is the list?
Absolutely correct. If ALL conservatives boycotted Leftist businesses, we would change America for the better quickly. I don't shop at Target because of their transgender bathroom policy. I don't shop at Home Depot because 99% of their political funding goes to Democrats. I don't shop at Amazon .... yes, even though it's really easy and their prices might be a little lower .... I use Ebay. If you shop at Target, Home Depot and Amazon, you are funding the enemy and the destruction of American culture. We ARE in a War. Stop giving the enemy gasoline like Prescott Bush did for Germany and money. like the Rothschilds did to create the Soviet Union.