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The House is officially in therapy.

In the weeks after the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, which left at least five dead, lawmakers and their staff in the House of Representatives are seeking out mental health counseling.

Paul Tewksbury, director of the House Office of Employee Assistance, told lawmakers in a Thursday hearing that his office has provided 760 counseling sessions since the events of Jan 6 — something he called a “significant increase.”

Tewksbury said there had been around 3,000 contacts between his office and the Capitol Hill community in the first half of 2020.

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  • Now, what happens on January 6 is not over yet the Democratic party is going to pay for this because they are taking over God Job and it's not a good place to be 

  • bunch of communist crybabies whining after their minions did what they were paid to do!!!!! Guess who is paying of all this "counselling", yes, We the People!!!!!!!!!!

    • Now they will all claim PTSD and dip their hands in the coffee jar again!!!

  • I wonder how many small business needed therapy help from the government after their business were burned by Antifa/BLM I wonder how many citizens also needed help after this idiots destroyed their properties, now tell me do this idiots care about the people 


    • Good point!

    • Lorenzo, all we are to the devildemocommiecrats and their gop establishment co-conspirators are serfs to be ruled over with an iron fist!!!!!!!!!!

  • Now I get it, the d.c. fence is there to KEEP THE VERMIN IN, not to keep Trumps army OUT!

    I want to start a new movement where EVERYBODY marks ALL emails from demotardland as SPAM and deletes immediately and see what happens!

  • Unbelievable! They are bunch of wusses.   What are we raising???? No wonder everyone is watching in stead of acting in defense of the Constitution.  No GUTS


  • So the "Wall" around the Capitol works, but the one on our southern border does not work???  Maybe if Congress did something to improve their approval rating, they wouldn't need so much mental health counseling.  When was that rating ever above 30 percent?  Maybe they could try DOING THEIR JOB!!!  Let's try TERM LIMITS:  One term only, no reelection campaigns, House - 3 years, Senate - 5 years, POTUS - 4 years, SCOTUS - 9 years ( replace one every year).  This would attract true patriots looking for real public service, not those seeking power and lifetime careers for personal benefit.  Lobbying influence would also be reduced.  Let's put "Representative" back into our Government.

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