Activists have gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, for a “Stop the Steal” rally in support of President Trump and his efforts to ensure election integrity after Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) certified the Peach State’s election results.

Hundreds gathered at the rally at the Georgia State Capitol for a “Stop the Steal” rally featuring high-profile attendees, including State Representative Vernon Jones (R), Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin, and the #WalkAway movement’s Brandon Straka.

Videos show the crowd of supporters demanding action, shouting “stop the steal,” “special session,” and “hold the line”:




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  • It looks like more than hundreds... there should have been millions... it is time to show our support for our Constitutional Republic... it is under attack by domestic treason.

    • that's right when you see those kind of things happening things are getting worse everyday.


  • all I can say is wow, wow, we are in a battle and the battle is between Satan and God.

    • God wins.

    • Yes, God wins but for some, it will be at great personal suffering, unnecessary tribulation...   We must warn the public of the coming apocalyptic events and lead them to salvation thru faith in God... Jesus Christ.  Our only hope in the coming months will be found in Christ... sheltering in the Word of God and under the care and admonition of His Body.... the Chruch.  Personal wealth and strength will not be enough... trusting in the institutions of man will not work.  We must unite under the banner of Christ and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit... that is our only hope.

      There is a way that seemeth right unto mankind... .but the ends thereof are DEATH... man's ways are not God's ways... God's ways are higher, His ways always work... they are perfect.  Affirm your relationship with God... with family, friends, and neighbors for in a multitude of Godly counsel is found refuge and relief.

    • at the end that's it


  • All great people

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