Hunter Biden enlisted then-vice president Joe Biden's national security adviser to help with a Serbian business partner’s campaign to become secretary general of the United Nations, a scheme that is now drawing scrutiny from the House Oversight Committee as it attempts to piece together Hunter Biden's web of foreign business dealings.
Hunter Biden arranged a meeting in July 2016 for Vuk Jeremic and Colin Kahl, a Pentagon official who served as then-vice president Joe Biden’s national security adviser, emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show. Jeremic, an energy executive and former Serbian foreign affairs minister, was at the time looking for American support in an upcoming vote for secretary general. Jeremic recounted that Kahl, who is now undersecretary of defense for policy and an amateur DJ, "promised" to find out more about the election.
While Jeremic’s bid for the top United Nations post was unsuccessful, his ties to Hunter Biden could shed light on the troubled presidential son’s foreign business dealings. Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.) inquired about the link in a letter to Biden on Friday as part of their sprawling probe into the Biden family’s activities in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere.
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