
  • The only people who will see it are either stupid liberals, or welfare and  illegals who don't belong here. And the thing about the illegals are they actually believe that ( WE OWE IT TO THEM BECAUSE WE ARE RICH)

  • Is this so-called movie going to be a Comedy, or Horror?

  • Sounds good, but we all know nothing will come of it

  • this is worse in than 3rd world countries, we have a communist controlled president, thats real collusion and msm is directly controlled.


  • Sick

  • Probably not...

  • The Hunter Biden movie titled: "My Big American Ripoff". He stole, lied, and sold-out the American people all while coked up and sleeping with his dead brothers wife. The Apple does not fall far from the tree.

  • Don't waste our time on a propaganda movie!

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