Editorial cartoon, April 3, 2022: Hunter Biden

As Hunter Biden faces a potential criminal indictment this week, his former best friend Devon Archer will make his last bid to avoid jail Tuesday when his appeal is heard in a courtroom in lower Manhattan. 

As he grows increasingly despondent, friends with knowledge of Hunter’s thinking are telling Archer to accept that the Bidens have thrown him under the bus and that a last-minute presidential pardon has been ruled out. 

They have urged him to save himself by using the only currency he has left — his knowledge of the Biden family influence-peddling scheme for which he had a front-row seat for four years during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. 

WH meet-&-greet 

Archer was present at meetings Hunter arranged for his foreign business partners to meet with his father or talk to him on the phone.

He famously was photographed meeting the VP in his White House office weeks before Archer and Hunter joined the board of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma. 

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