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Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the Chicago Police Department’s ban on protesters being able to demonstrate on the block where she lives, telling reporters Thursday that she and her family at times require heightened security because of threats she receives daily.

Lightfoot refused to elaborate on the specific threats, but said she receives them daily against herself, her wife and her home. Comparisons to how the Police Department has protected previous mayors’ homes, such as Rahm Emanuel’s Ravenswood residence, are unfair because “this is a different time like no other,” Lightfoot told reporters.

“I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure,” Lightfoot said.

Lightfoot and Chicago police Superintendent David Brown were asked at an unrelated news conference about a Tribune report noting police have banned protesters from demonstrating on her block in the Logan Square neighborhood, ordering officers to arrest anyone who refuses to leave.

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  • Threats are not sufficient to deny the 1st Amendment right 'peaceably to assemble'... Mayor Lightfoot may not impose her standards for assembly as the Constitution provides that the right of peaceable assembly may not be abridged... curtail, restrain, or modified... She will simply need to hire personal security or get the City council to authorize police protection be assigned if she believes her life is in peril. 

  • Man, is that one ugly little gnome? I wonder if her wife thought she was buying a garden gnome when she found it. Now, she is stuck with it. NASTY! 

    • Earlier today I tried to comment on this issue on Face Book by saying that she reminded me of the creature from the black lagoon and this kicked me off FB - Ha, ha, ha!

    • Thanks for the laugh. Needed that.

  • In spite of the fact she should be recalled. 

  • They don't come much dumber than Lightfoot, except for possibly AOC or Pelosi!

    • I actually believe she is 1/4 rung above DeBlasio.

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