Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone who receives the coronavirus vaccine, according to health officials.
The Department of Defense shared photos of the cards for the first time Wednesday, according to CNN. The cards will be the “simplest” way to keep track of the COVID-19 vaccinations, Associate Director of the Immunization Action Coalition Kelly Moore told the outlet.
“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” Moore told CNN. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”
Moore also claimed many vaccination places are planning to allow patients to voluntarily give their phone number so they can be reminded when their next dose is available.
Each dose given will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers Claire Hannan told CNN.
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I thought this wonderful new vaccine was suppose to miraculously do away with Covid-19, now there will be additional shots needed. So in other words this is no different than the seasonal flu, which required a shot each year to magically prevent one from getting the flu. What a bunch of boulderdash...This is the Globalists push for one world order and making the general population subservient to their thought processes. They inject you with nanotechnology, which will be in the vaccine, they will now be able to trace everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you do socially, medically, and financially, your total thought process will be over ruled by the nanotechology. You should do your own due diligence at what has gone into the making of the vaccine, it is not pretty it even includes lung tissue from a 14 week old aborted male fetus. I am sorry I will not have this vaccine just as I don't get a flu, pneumonia, shingles or any other shot. This is my personal choice, if someone else get them fine, am not against vaccines. I prefer to do whatever I can to build up the natural immune system defenses to keep myself safe.
Dawn I am also one that doesn't do all those darn shots. I had enough of them when I was in the navy. I'm an "old" farm boy that belives as you do, I'm glad to someone else that thinks along the lines that I do ..Thank You.
While they are out getting vaccinated, they will pick up non-hackable governament ID as well. No Govt issued non-hackable ID, no voting in person. No voting in person, guess you didn't want to vote after all.
I like the cut of your jib, George!!!
Seems like I have seen that prescription before. Let me think...........OH!! WAIT!! I KNOW!!! The bible tells us that if you do not recieve the mark then you will not be able to buy, sell, or trade!!!
Exactly, Stores will require that you have a card to shop there and retailers will not be able to sell without a card... Communism at its best!!
Ihre papiere, bitte! Or we lop off your head!!!
Gee, thanks, Joe Biden! Did you learn this from Joseph Goebbels, or Chairman Xi???
Before I consider a vaccination card, I will need to see the authorization credential that permits the bearer requesting a vaccination card, to suspend the US Constitution.
This is America not China where government control your life.