
  • We all know how this person feels about America and we all know HOW SHE GOT HERE TO BEGIN WITH and yet she is still in congress still trashing our nation and we are still paying here to do it,  Why Congress hasnt done anything about her is shameful, And chances are very good she will be reelected The WORDS OF OUR FORMER PRESIDENT REAGAN, THE GOVDERNMENT IS NOT THE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEMS THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM. We keep hoping the REPUBLICANS in congress will grow a backbone but that seems hopeless as well.

    • The GOP is not what they advertise.. they are Globalists and Pragmatists.. they have no real core values except to promote themselves and their power.  Pres. Trump may need to go independent to get his programs through... assuming the GOP doesn't throw him under the bus before the election.

  • This woman should be in front of a firing squad, not in Congress! She is openly against the USA while we pay her to be in congress. I am so sick of all the wrongs in our government, and NOTHING is being done about anything that is important. 


    • The silence in the GOP concerning policing its members is very telling... when people live in glass houses they can't throw stones at their neighbors?

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