
  • Good idea lets try her for Treason!! 

  • She's a ISIS Sympathizer

  • Omar is an enemy of America. She should be on a boat to Somalia along with her constituents.

  • No one really cares if she is "African born"; she has proven herself to be anti-American, anti-semitic and anti anything right and legal.  She came to the US by defrauding the imigration system (marrying her own brother), she cheated to get funding aid for education, she cheated in marriage and caused the destruction of a marriage and a family, she has cheated and used campaign funds fraudulently; I seriously doubt there is anything she does not "cheat" at.  For all we know, she even cheated her way through an election (or two).  IMHO, it is time to rescind her "fraudulently obtained" US citizenship and DEPORT her back to Somalia.  If she refuses, just ship her to GITMO.

  • Congress doesn't have a problem allowing Terrorists to be one of them as from what I have seen most all Democrats are Domestic Terrorists and don't give a Damn about the American people

  • Should never have been there anyway. Traitor

  • Just because you are a minority doesn't make you special 

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    • We won't have to pay her retirement if someone steps up, charges her and she is proven "guilty" of all the criminal action we suspect she has committed; some things, we "suspect", other things, we "know"!

    • You got that right!


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