LIE, Cheat, Steal, and then blame it on the right? Were Democrats ...

The illegal immigrant mother Democrats used Wednesday as a case study of cruelty in President Trump’s policies was first deported during the Clinton administration, then flagged for deportation again under the Obama-Biden administration.

Alejandra Juarez first sneaked into the U.S. in 1998, was caught at the border and was removed — the formal term for deportation — back to Mexico.

She quickly sneaked back in in defiance of that order and would go on to marry a U.S. citizen and military member, remaining under the radar until a traffic stop in 2013 brought her to the attention of ICE, which renewed their deportation order and made her start checking in with an eye toward future removal.

She was actually deported in 2018, under Mr. Trump.

At that time U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said by sneaking back in after her 1998 deportation she’d committed a felony act, making her a priority for removal.

On Wednesday her 11-year-old daughter, Estela, was featured at the Democratic National Convention, accusing Mr. Trump of forcing her family to be separated.

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  • Send them all back.  This is getting rediculous, I have worked in many Countries and this is not acceptable in any Country, they will send you back no matter the reason.  IF YOU WANT TO COME TO THIS COUNTRY, THEN, YOU DO IT LEGALLY, PERIOD, NO EXCEPTIONS.  THIS IS GETTING REDICULOUS, THEY COME HERE, DON'T WORK AND WE HAVE TO SUPPORT THEM,  NOT!!!!!!!!!



  • Send them all back, even their kids. She knew she was breaking our immigration laws every time she snuck in. She knew the consequences of her actions. So, don't look at it like we are separating the kids from their mother, nothing is holding them here, they can go with their mother. Oh, wait, but how would she get all the welfare down in mexico? HMMM, so, that is why they don't want to leave. The U.S. taxpayers owe her for, well, for, just being her!


  • Oxymoron. Illegals are not immigrants. Immigrants go through the legal immigration process. Illegals are aliens, defined as such by 1952 Immigration law. 

    • AMEN!! Call a Spade a Spade. 

    • I get really sick of people not knowing anything about anything. And sliding new definitions by everyone and everyone letting them get away with it. Like "Democracy". 
      Actually found a bumper sticker that says, "America, Is not a democracy."  It actually was very pretty, 

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