
  • HELL has been planned, it's here and it's going to touch every REAL AMERICAN CITIZEN !


  • Okay so they have been arrested.  Under the current administration, will they be charged.  I wouldn't count on it: after all most of the bureaucrats and everyone in the current administration seem to be TRAITORS imo.

  • We, the American People, deserve to KNOW the details of who these people from Tajikistan are and what, exactly, they were planning! Hiding it from us is NOT acceptable. Unfortunately, this incident is only one example of what is going on all over the nation. The FBI even knows of radical cells in EVERY STATE, and Director Wray has said they are extremely concerned about what they are likely planning to do. When these animals get the word "go" from their leaders, it is my belief that what they will unleash on this country will make 9-11 look like a ride on the teacups at Disney World. And every drop of blood spilled will be on JOE BIDEN'S HANDS. Be aware, everyone, the day of attack is looming. It's not a matter of "if", but "when". Stay alert, and if you see something, say something. Thanks to this moronic and destructive administration, we and our families are all in grave danger. And that is unforgivable.

  • It will happen, I pray it won't, but they "illegal insurgents" has had 3 1/2 years of planning and preparing for it.

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