illegal immigration-Part II-Assimilation

Source; SNGLR

“Americans are rightly disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens entering our country… It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.”—President b. j. clinton

“Those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the law… We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked.”—BObama

“The way to protect the front door of legal immigration used to close the back door of illegal immigrants, which you can’t control and you can’t will provide for.”—lib/dem Senator (CA) dianne feinstein

80% of participants in a Harvard Harris poll believed illegal immigrants arrested for the crimes should be turned over to immigration authorities, that immigration should be based on merit and skills, and that is preferable to have secure borders rather than open borders.


Assimilation was always our national norm, to adopt the values of our country, to honor its history and institutions. The melting pot had not eliminated all diversity; it had created a common core, a large part of the answer to the question what makes a nation. Immigrants brought their native customs, tastes, languages, and fashions, but these did not impede them from adopting an American way of life, nor was it argued that they should actively resist the Americanization process. But today ne0-liberals oppose the idea of assimilation and instead promote ethnic division. Hence, as the Hudson Institute found, barriers to assimilation have developed through a combination of federal bureaucratic policies, congressional activities, executive orders in court decisions.


All of which reminds one this earlier plan on how to destroy America— by neo-liberal/democratic governor richard d. lamm:

1.become bilingual. 
2.invent and promote multiculturalism to sustain differences.
3.Celebrate diversity by reinforcing differences rather than finding harmony.
4.Make sure the unassimilated are also undereducated.
5. Invest in a grievance industry to encourage minority groups to blame the majority for their troubles.
6. Establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties again, to celebrate diversity.
7. Shut down criticism of all of the above by labeling it racist and xenophobic.
8. Make it impossible to enforce immigration laws.

Was lamm being sarcastic, or prescient?


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