
  • Anyone who supports these illegals should have to take in as many families as they have rooms. They have to feed, school, doctor government help, they alone are responsible for all their needs! 

  • Yeah... let them sleep with your wives, and your daughters. you liberty anti American MF.

  • Todd Bensman was on Warroom this morning and  having returned from Europe, saw the exact  same thing happening. This is the Globalist Marxists run this Op to overrun 1st world countries with 3rd world invaders to Destabilize the world and make it easier to control. 

    • ?--WARROOM----PLEASE provide the link.

    • Sorry, Steve Bannon's Warroom on Real Americas Voice. Highly recommend it among others on that network/ app.

  • The operative word here is “illegal”. If someone illegal breaks into your home, how much help would you give them? Only legal aliens should be allowed in this country. They must be vetted and free of diseases in order to contribute to the American culture. Why can’t these career politicians understand this and close the border? Anyone who harbors an illegal is a criminal.

    • Words Have Meaning… they cut across time and space, they can lift t... 

      What are words but the jealous rendition of man’s imagination… laid bare for the world to see? It is with words that we pontificate the ways of men, to establish governments and laws. It is with words that we build up and tear down… it is with the power of the pen that we turn swords into plow shares and redirect the power of mankind to a better purpose.

      Hence, let our words speak of liberty and defend the cause of justice… for without liberty and justice we are but prisoners of tyranny and the lesser angels of mankind. Let us exalt the rhetoric of peace and love… let us embrace the soundness and eloquence of truth… that we may all have peace and prosperity, purchased with the sweat of our own labor and endeavors.

      For, the wicked speak words of deceit… looking to confuse and destroy the rational minds of our Nation with folly… foolish dreams of utopian delights… where no man need work or struggle for self, but every man becomes part of the collective, a mere cog in the machinery of the State…

      Words have meaning and the words of our President cut sharply across the grains of liberty… denying our heritage and promising the foolish what they can not have… Another’s property, labor, and self-worth. These are innately the rightful dominion of the individual…not the State or the collective.

      Let us therefore find the words with which to beat back the errant ways of the foolish… the evil machinations of a government that seeks to bind us all, to itself… A collective driven by an evil wind. Freedom is not free and for the free to remain free they must be prepared to resist the bitter nature of mankind… first with words but never alone… words must be backed by action… or they are but sounding brass and tinkling bells, the stories of children, impetus vessels of little worth.



      COL. US Army (ret)

      Words Have Meaning… they cut across time and space, they empower the powerless
      Words Have Meaning… they cut across time and space, they empower the powerless and are the substance of creation Posted by Ronald A.
      Words Have Meaning… they cut across time and space, they empower the powerless
      Words Have Meaning… they cut across time and space, they empower the powerless and are the substance of creation Posted by Ronald A. Nelson Col.USA (…
    • If they are legal, then they are actually immigrants going through the immigration process. Just clarifying. I wish those who see nothing wrong with the influx invading us, would stop calling them Immigrants, as they are not immigrating. 

    • I agree, I'm an immigrant, it took me 5 years to come legally!

    • My wife, 25 years a naturalized citizen, who underwent rigorous scrutiny in her own country before coming here with me 34 years ago says the same thing--"These people invading The USA are NOT MIGRANTS -Son ILEGALES.

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