Alarming News. In Germany the Parliament (Bundestag) ratified on 29 January 2021, the implementation of Agenda ID2020.
This is a centralized general electronic data collection of every citizen to which every government agency, police – and possibly also the private sector would have access.
It covers all that is known about an individual citizen, now up to 200 points of in formation and possibly more as time goes on, from your bank account to your shopping habits, health records (vaccination records, of course), your political inclinations, and probably even your dating habits and other entries into your private sphere.
Agenda ID2020 was designed by Bill Gates as part of the “vaccination package”. It is backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the WEF and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, now simply called the Vaccine Alliance), also a Gates creation (2001), with HQ in Geneva, Switzerland.
GAVI is located next door to the WHO. GAVI is called a public private partnership,
The public part being WHO, plus a number of developing countries;
The private partners are, of course a series of pharmaceutical companies, i. e. Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co. … and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
read more here:
V ery scary future
Watch for the notice: "Today the government has issued an advisory that all paper currency will be null and void after the listed date. Money holders are urged to turn in all script and coinage to convert its value to the new digital currency at any bank or post office, to avoid losing its value".
And that converts anonymous transportable wealth into state metered buying and selling power, with reward incentives (carrot) or deterring penalties (stick) depending on compliance with state policies (as they change).
People looked at me quizzically when I first described this years ago.
Not anymore.
So the state could effectively steal actual wealth, and certainly void an individuals ability to aquire personal wealth.
How much raping will the People tolerate?
New world order being implemented. I WILL NOT COMPLY so I guess they will be hunting me down pretty soon. I am everything they hate, an Evangelical Christian, patriot, veteran, Constitutional conservative, President Trump supporter, anti-oppressive government, gun owner, was a hunter until a stroke took me down. I pray daily that the Rapture happens very soon and I believe it is imminent.
The NWO certainly is threatening to. Still, no divine command to meekly submit to destruction by evil exists to my knowledge. Win, lose, or draw, we are commanded in love to be upright and forthright in honest conviction, and humble in introspection (surprised you didn't it).
I am afraid a weakness of mine is shared By President Trump. I am prone to stubborness at times.
Concerning liability, the risk in living is dying. But cheer up! The potential liability diminishes, because the longer you live the less risky and more certain it becomes.
I'm with You Mr. Russell, This old boy has his funds stocked up in the LEAD market, Like You Sir I did a lot of hunting most of my life, these days I prefur to watch Gods creatures. May the Lord have merce on this once Great Nation.
Further, when the money supply accelerates into hyperinflation due to 27 + TRILLIONS USD debt with a suddenly live economy, Wiemar Republic conditions will occur requiring wheel barrows of cash to buy simple things. Folks will be begging for a way to transact more conveniently.
Remember, think evil when thinking Globalist. It all becomes understandable.
correct, it won't be long before satan has his 7 year rule but I won't be here for that. If anyone isn't saved now is the time to get there.
Even further, you may think that you can weather the hyperinflation through stockpile preparation.
What will happen to property taxes to a house you may or may not yet own, when the money supply hyperinflates?
In California, a percentage cap exists for yearly value change. But given enough time........
That's why I say send the Marines or drones to hunt down and kill all Central Banksters.
They intend to do the same to us all in the form of a softkill.
There is no inflation on the horizon, not in our lifetimes anymore anyway.