The news will raise questions as to why authorities allowed a predominantly peaceful Trump speech and rally in Washington, D.C. to be infiltrated and overtaken by forces who had planned for violence in advance.
The New York Times reported on Friday afternoon:
On Jan. 4, the intelligence division of the U.S. Capitol Police issued a report listing all the groups known to be descending on the city… The documents show how the police and federal law enforcement agencies produced inconsistent and sometimes conflicting assessments of the threat from American citizens marching on the Capitol.
The article called intelligence “muddled,” saying almost every code word for “institutional failures” without using the term itself.
Biden donor and new Capitol Hill Police Chief Yogananda Pittman admitted last week: “We knew that there was a strong potential for violence and that Congress was the target… but we did not do enough.”
read more:
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Fox News also reported that the FBI informed some senators, including Nancy P. some time (days?) ahead of the ANTIFA insugency, but still unknown if President Trump was informed as well?
If we do not do SOMETHING we are waiting for people like these to do it for us .......
Round-up of Trump supporters and voters is at hand. The media and others who are now in charge are calling us "seditious" if we voted for Trump and/or supported him. Meghan McCain--married to founder of the (supposedly conservative) Federalist Ben Domenech--says that we should be placed in Gitmo!!!
we are living the 3rd term of the Obama years now that means the truth will prevail because we've been living in a lie when Obama was in office.
Marty, you are right. This will be a replay of the obummer years, just worse. Convention of States webinar, if you’re interested. They have a meeting every Tuesday night @ 9pm. I joined this effort and contributed to it a week ago. We need to all get onboard and take the power away from the Federal govt and give it back to the states, where the founding fathers intended it to be. The federal govt is out of control. We need to push for this Convention of States and take away their power and give it back to the people. We already have 15 States onboard. We only need 34 to take away the power from the Federal Govt. Please listen to this webinar tonight and join the movement. You will be shocked as to how far along this organization is. They are very well organized and have a lot of volunteers & captains. Please join the movement & help our cause.
I just register maybe I will join tonight.
Webinars generally make the participants feel like they accomplished something... however, unless there are legislators, governors, members of Congress, and the Administration present and actively engaged... they are feel-good events only. This movement (Convention of States) has been in place for many years and it is still light years away from getting the requisite number of states to endorse an Article V convention. It is past time they review their strategy and consider other means beyond lobbying and petitions.
THEY MAY NEED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT... like using tried and proven tactics that get results... peaceful civil disobedience, picketing members of Congress, state legislatures, falling tens of thousands in support of candidates who promise to engage the State Legislature to act on such a convention.
Look, the state legislatures are not likely to act when they see TERM LIMITS as a major goal for the convention... Politicians are not in the job of removing themselves from power... this may just be a major problem in getting the requisite number of states to sign on to an Article V convention. Higher visibility may be necessary... sitins, organized around legislative bills to support the call for an Article V Convention... at election time, singling out the political opposition with massive counter-rallies staged at their election events... put real pressure on these miscreants of political power... they only respond when real opposition threatens to remove them.
This movement needs to become much, much, much more aggressive if it is to ever get 2/3rds of the States to sign on to an Article V convention... and the money, time and organizational efforts for webinars may not be the best way to proceed...
As far as I can see, there is nothing on the horizon that makes me think someone (except for maybe Trump) is actually doing something. There is lots of talking and hot air but not action.
Paul... Please inform us on what Pres. Trump is doing to advance our cause... Constitutional government? His son Donald Jr. just released a video where he is suggesting preparation for the 2024 election cycle... Did we not just get schooled on ELECTION FRAUD and its overwhelming power to deny Pres. Trump the last election. Doesn't he understand that the Electoral System in the USA is corrupt and will never yield to the consent of the PUBLIC as long as Marxist Democrats run the elections they will steal the election every time?