
  • Let me see if I have this right.  These people are arrested, with no charges, no bail, no trial, no legal representation, no phone calls, and put in solitary confinement.  Is this America? No this is how it's done in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.  This administration and the DOJ have thrown the Constitution under the bus.  When will citizens demand they follow the Constitution?  The President, the attorney general, and the Washington DC police all need to be arrested and charged with treason.

    • That's how the corrupt system works now!

  • On the clip, they mention the story of the bodega owner who defended himself and was initially arrested. Fortunately, there was store video that proved it was self defense. They also  mentioned that public outrage helped save this man.  If somehow we could get the public to see the videos of Chansley telling everyone that President Trump just tweeted telling everyone to go home, and Chansley repeated to the crowd "Go home!" several times , and other videos that prove that the J-6ers were not violent, and acturally were trying to stop ANTIFA from breaking windows, perhaps the public would shift their opinion (or enough of them) to demand that this persecution be stopped

    The trick is, how do we get the people who watch CNN and read the NYT to watch this? 

  • First, they went after the people who went into the Capitol.

    Then, they go after the people outside the Capitol.

    Next, they go after the people who thought about the Capitol.


  • Hopefully that includes Nancy Pelosi, Ray Epps and all the other instigators and facilitators of the January 6 events.

    • Unfortunately, it won't include Pelosi , Ray Epps and the other facilitators. They are above the law. 

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