Teachers at one of the nation's leading independent schools were pressed this past month to assess how their classes advanced students' commitments to social justice issues, including the "diversity of sexual identity."
Materials from a diversity audit conducted by an outside consultant for the tony Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles quiz teachers on their compliance with progressive views on six categories of "diversity": racial identity, religious identity, socioeconomic status, "family structure," sexual identity, and disability status. For each topic, teachers were told to ask themselves how they address these identities in their courses, what values students are acquiring when learning about these identities, and how the course promotes a social justice understanding of the world more generally.
Teachers were also asked to fill out a worksheet indicating how their classes, regardless of subject, contributed to students' understanding of "diversity." The sheet asked teachers to describe how their courses "foster an understanding of systems of power and encourage students to develop tools for equity and justice."
The materials, which emphasize to teachers the importance of teaching social justice ideology, offer an inside look at the spread of the new progressivism taking root in American high schools and shed light on the sort of advice schools across the country are shelling out for in the wake of the summer's racial protests.
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Education is no longer focused on 'Critical Thinking Skills' on the student's own assessment of his culture... this survey clearly demonstrates the impact socioeconomic status has in our public education system. Children are being taught WHAT TO THINK... not HOW TO THINK. There was a time that these same liberal teachers screamed bloody murder if social and cultural ideology was taught in the Public Schools... leading to the elimination of our nation's core Judeo/Christian culture as a guide for one's public conduct. The result has been the total destruction of our historic culture and hence the foundation for our Constitutional Republic.
Today, the Public Education system is not interested in education ... it is interested in social engineering and cultural indoctrination... it is interested in the CANCEL CULTURE and the installation of a Politically Correct COLLECTIVE MIND in our children... We must pull our children out of the public schools, DEFUND THEM and promote Vouchers for Parents to use for their education.. as Parents, not COMMISSARS dictate. We must end the indoctrination of the Marxist Collective in our Public Schools or shut them down.