8405637280?profile=RESIZE_710x Last night, while scrolling through the account of the Antifa/BLM activist John Sullivan, who was part of the Capitol building siege on Wednesday, we came upon a friend of the violent left-wing activist who goes by the name of “lefty_boogy” on Instagram.

In his Instagram feed, “lefty_boogy” advertised for radicals to meet at 11 am at the newly designated “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in Washington DC on January 6, the same day that up to 1 million Trump supporters planned to flock to DC to show their support for our president and to express their frustration over what million believe was a stolen election in November.

In the comment section, “lefty_boogy” tells his followers, “Also if u can’t bring a gun I recommend knifes and pepper spray. Paintball guns are viable as well.

There’s been an awful lot of talk about the violent siege of the Capitol building on Wednesday, but as usual, there is no discussion about the violence planned by Black Lives Matter or Antifa against Trump supporters. And there’s been ZERO mention of how Antifa infiltrated the Trump supporters or how they embedded themselves in the massive crowd of good, honest and law-abiding citizens.

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  • Socialist/commie liberals are trying to destroy peoples lives just because they attended the rally in WA, but it was just fine to burn, loot and murder in NY and other cities by blm and antifa terrorists.

  • Did anyone submit this to the FBI, or don't they give a fig because it's burn, loot, murder doing it?

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  • The radical left follows is usual playbook. They infiltated patriots who were marching peacefully. They enticed them to follow them into Congress just to sneak out when it was getting too hot as they had expected. These people are shrewd and devious.

  • why can't peope go to portland dressed as antifa members with the purpose of assaulting antifa members

    • Nice idea. Good guys against the bad guys. But you would need to be able to identify your fellow good guys so you don't wind up attacking them as well.

  • It makes sense.  The Left simply cannot let the truth be told.  The Democrats, I fear all Democrats (and I hate to say that, but the evidence is pretty clear), and the main stream media are a violent Anti-American cult and unfortuntately it will grow all the stronger under the Biden/Harris administration.

  • I foresee a great number of Antifa and BLM funerals once the civil war begins.


    1. Easy to find out who hired the bus that the DC police escorted  into DC filled with BLM/Antifa and all their whepons. We need to find this out and go from there. Then who told the police to escort the bus. That person already knew what was planned.

    Why is this not being done?????

    All this info needs to be publicized .

    Why has it NOT BEEN YET?

    • James, there is no way the left is going to do what you are proposing.  It is common sense and would prove their own malfeasance in the matter.  It is the leftist way, start a narrative and don't let ANYONE disturb said narrative.  The truth will come out.

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