Riots on Mainstreet in America, cities aflame, businesses looted, monuments destroyed, citizens terrorized is not making America Great Again...Trump is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the Land, he needs to make the tough choices and go after the leaders of the insurrection occurring in the land.  He needs to do what he has failed to do... arrest senior members of the government who are working to destroy America. The insurrectionist, the sedition, the corrupt criminal elements in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DOD, DHS, and State Government need to know that there is a PRESIDENT In-office who will enforce the law, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable it may be.

The failure of Federal Law Enforcement to address the open insurrection in government... and the outright hostile and unconstitutional acts of members of Congress has infected the entire social order... Lawlessness is becoming the Modus Operandi to secure change. Every institution of government, from the judiciary to the K-9 corps are corrupt... and the PEOPLE know it, but have no leadership to organize an effective defense against it.  To that end, the People elected President Trump to be their Champion, their Bull in the China Closet ... to Drain the Swamp in DC

However, Pres Trump has proven not to be up to the task... He hasn't put a dent in the swamp and in fact, he has basically ignored the swamp... letting ineffective and corrupt Attorney Generals continue the Status Quo... lies and betrayal.  This must change if we are to be a Nation of Law and order.  

This environment of lawlessness must change quickly as revolution waits in the streets of America for the voice of reason to return... how is that making America Great Again?

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