
  • The absolute quickest means to end the child abuse being forced upon our children by the Public Schools is to give parents vouchers for the Full Amount the school district receives for each student and permit the Parents to choose PRIVATE or PUBLIC EDUCATION... In Addition, criminal child abuse violations ought to be brought anytime children are demeaned, exposed to sexually explicit materials, or any other physical or PSYCHOLOGICAL abuse by teachers, school boards, and their administration.  Put a few teachers and administrators in prison for child endangerment, abuse, and neglect and see how long they laugh at parents.

  • Voters in that town have to power of the purse . Fire those "teachers" their are ways that can be done.

  • Leftwing arbiters of liberal policy are very good at lying, deceit, and misdirection... they have no problem changing the names of programs to confuse the public.  They are like Camillions camouflaging their garbage using a host of names and titles...  all subject to modification or change at the drop of a hat.  They are very adept at deceit... deceiving and being deceived is how the scripture describes the work of latter-day evil men and women. 

    The left is adapt at twisting language and the meaning of words to disguise their leftist poison... Good-sounding titles are used to cover up serious.y flaw cultural change. 

  • Its called grooming now they change names but still same communist vocabulary! Brain washing kids. Tech government all in. 50% Government 50% stilling! Control the well of the people! Money! 9 Trillion now than one trillion started it with Obama's Administration! Healthcare ring a bell! Last nail in our Coffin! Was take over of healthcare! They already had schools big Tech add free phones. Control! 

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    • We don't control the federal dollars that go to these "educational" institutions. The people we elected to power controll the purse strings. If you want this funding to be withdrawn, you have to get out there and WORK to elect couragous conservatives who will do it. Be prepared to struggle, since the left-wingers don't give up power without a fight! There is no easy or fast way to solve this and all the other problems the left is causing! Like an invading army, the communists in all our institutions have secured their supply (money) lines so that they can operate unchecked!

    • Well said

    • As humans have done since time began, a device similar to this one will be used to resolve all disagreements.


    • Yep but first we must work hard at sharing truth and electing the better people.  Jesus never promoted violence though at the end Hexwill defend Israel with violence. 

    • Great answer...!!

    • ADMIN

      Also check into the Board of Regents and start having some of them removed. Also look at 'tenured professosrs' who push this crap and work to get rid of them.

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